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86 search results for:

Carburetion + Combustion 

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  1. 03-05-2024 | Heavy Trucks | News | Article

    MAN Plans Small-Scale Truck Series with H2 Combustion Engine

    Commercial vehicle manufacturer MAN Truck & Bus is planning to launch its first trucks with hydrogen combustion engines in 2025. The small series is set to comprise around 200 units.

  2. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Carburetion and Port Fuel Injection Metering Strategies for Natural Gas Spark-Ignited Engine

    The effects of carburetion and port fuel injection (PFI) metering techniques were experimented on naturally aspirated twin-cylinder spark-ignited (SI) engine fuelled with compressed natural gas (CNG). It was operated under full throttle condition …

    Jim Alexander, E. Porpatham
    Published in:
    Advances in IC Engines and Combustion Technology (2021)
  3. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Efficiency Improvement of Internal Combustion Engines Over Time

    The demand for more efficient engines is increasing gradually and will continue to rise in the coming decades. In the present era, with the continuous rise in a global energy crisis and increasing ecological awareness, waste heat recovery became a …

    Sarthak Baweja, Rajan Kumar
    Published in:
    Novel Internal Combustion Engine Technologies for Performance Improvement and Emission Reduction (2021)
  4. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Internal Combustion Engines, Developments in

    CombustionRapid oxidation of a fuel-air mixture (reactants) converting reactants to products and in the process releasing thermal energy.LeanAir-fuel mixture is such that there is more air than is chemically necessary to oxidize the available …

    Timothy J. Jacobs
    Published in:
    Fossil Energy (2020)
  5. 2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Optimization of Parameters for Fuel Combustion Process of Diesel Working Cycle Improvement

    Energy and environmental indicators are two basic criteria to assess technological specification of the internal combustion engine and the perfection of the working cycle in particular. These criteria are controversial; however, they are …

    E. A. Lazarev, V. E. Lazarev, M. A. Matsulevich
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (2019)
  6. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Hydrogen for Internal Combustion Engines

    With the scarcity of fossil fuels as well as stringent emission norms, there is a huge shift in the automotive research to develop engines capable of utilizing alternative fuels with superior fuel efficiency and lower emissions. Several …

    Anuj Pal, Avinash Kumar Agarwal
    Published in:
    Prospects of Alternative Transportation Fuels (2018)
  7. 01-01-1999 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of the PLAZMAZER plasma ignition system on the fuel combustion regimes in combustion chambers of engines

    An economically efficient method of combatting toxic products of incomplete fuel combustion in engines and other movable and stationary power installations by means of pulsed automatic control of the ignition and combustion processes carried out by t…

  8. 17-03-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Combustion analysis of a hydrogen-diesel fuel operated DI diesel engine with exhaust gas recirculation

    The rapid depletion of fossil fuel and growing demand necessitates researchers to find alternative fuels which are clean and sustainable. The need for finding renewable, low cost and environmentally friendly fuel resources can never be …

  9. 2012 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Internal Combustion Engines

    Internal combustion engines can fill the role of rotating a propeller or main rotor, being the baseline powerplant approach from the early days of powered flight. Cycle analyses for spark-ignition and compression-ignition piston engine variants are p

    David R. Greatrix
    Published in:
    Powered Flight (2012)
  10. 1984 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Abnormal Combustion Effects on Economy

    The fact that the efficiency of the spark ignition (SI) engine depends on the usable value of compression ratio is well known. The thermodynamic reasons for this are explained in various textbooks,(1,2,3) while the practical consequences of …

    R. W. Wheeler
    Published in:
    Fuel Economy (1984)
    Included in:
    Professional Book Archive
  11. 19-01-2024 | Off-highway | News | Article

    Mercedes-Benz Tests Unimog with H2 Engine

    Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks has developed a Unimog with a hydrogen combustion engine. The prototype is currently in test use for mowing.

  12. 2013 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Developments in Internal Combustion Engines

    The following provides a list of abbreviations and symbols used throughout the article that may not be explicitly defined within the article itself. Readers are referred to any of the authorities in “Books and Reviews” for definitions of terms or phr

    Dr. Timothy J. Jacobs
    Published in:
    Fossil Energy (2013)
  13. 2011 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Spray Applications in Internal Combustion Engines

    Modern internal combustion engines running on liquid fuels employ injection of the liquid as the means of delivering fuel to the engine. In spark-ignition (SI) engines, there may be port fuel injection (PFI), throttle-body injection (TBI), or direct

    K. Lee, J. Abraham
    Published in:
    Handbook of Atomization and Sprays (2011)
  14. 1988 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Performance of a Small Spark-Ignited Internal Combustion Engine on Producer Gas from Rice Hulls

    The performance of a small single cylinder spark ignited internal combustion engine is detailed for operation on producer gas generated from a static bed rice hull gasifier. The development of batch and alternating-batch reactor systems employing …

    B. M. Jenkins, J. R. Goss
    Published in:
    Research in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion (1988)
    Included in:
    Professional Book Archive
  15. 06-11-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Engine Characteristics with Biogas–Biodiesel-Powered Dual-Fuel Mode: A Neural Network-Coupled Box–Behnken Design

    The current study seeks to predict and optimize the performance and emission characteristics of a dual-fuel diesel engine powered by biogas and biodiesel. A Box–Behnken design (BBD) was employed to generate an L29 orthogonal array consisting of …

  16. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Hydrogen Compression Ignition Engines

    The compression ignition (CI) engine has been the workhorse of the global economy for several decades. However, owing to the need to combat global climate change, the long-term survival of the CI engine depends on its ability to operate with …

    Pavlos Dimitriou
    Published in:
    Hydrogen for Future Thermal Engines (2023)
  17. 04-08-2022 | Diesel Engine | News | Article

    New In-line Six-cylinder Diesel Engine for the Mazda CX-60

    Efficiency of 40 % One building block for the good efficiency of the combustion engine is the new combustion process called DCPCI (Distribution-controlled Partially Premixed Compression Ignition).

  18. 17-03-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Evaluation of Vital Factors Effecting 4S CI Engine with Altered IT Using Calophyllum Inophyllum Blends with H2 Enrichment

    Uncontrollable usage of gasoline products has accompanied by 5a very high rise in transportation sector causing globalization and contributing to the economy. Although this sector is growing quickly and providing benefits, it has some negative …

  19. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Heavy Duty Diesel Engines Operating on 100% Methanol for Lower Cost and Cleaner Emissions

    There is great interest in incorporating methanol fuel across a variety of energy and transportation sectors for many reasons, including increased regional availability, potential to use renewable fuel production pathways, and lower fuel costs compared to petroleum-derived fuels. This chapter describes a method of integrating methanol into a traditional diesel engine architecture, allowing the engine to operate on 100% methanol fuel while maintaining high torque and efficiency.

    Julie Blumreiter, Bernard Johnson
    Published in:
    Methanol (2021)
  20. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Ethanol Fumigation and Engine Performance in a Diesel Engine

    This chapter studied the effect of ethanol fumigation on engine performance using a modern compression ignition engine. Performance-related parameters were investigated at ethanol substitutions of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40% (by energy) under 25, 50 …

    Ali Zare, Richard J. Brown, Timothy Bodisco
    Published in:
    Alcohol as an Alternative Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines (2021)

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