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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    A Comprehensive Machine-Learning-Based Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Over Food Consumables

    Due to the large growth of web technologies and online resources, there is high information made available to everyone. With the growth of technology and resources, people are expressing their opinions and thoughts more comfortably. It impacts the …

    T. LahariSuvarchala, C. S. Pavan Kumar, V. Deepthi Sasidhar
    Published in:
    Evolution in Signal Processing and Telecommunication Networks (2024)
  2. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Improvement of Medical Consumables Inventory Management by Simulation and Optimization in Hospitals

    In order to ensure the uninterrupted continuity of their activities, businesses have to keep certain levels of inventory in market conditions that cannot be precisely measured and easily predicted, such as uncertainty in demands and lead times …

    Muzaffer Görkem Özel, Kivanç Onan
    Published in:
    Towards Industry 5.0 (2023)
  3. 13-09-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of Welding Consumables on the Ballistic Performance of Shielded Metal Arc Welded Dissimilar Armor Steel Joints

    The welding of dissimilar armor-grade steels is always challenging due to their carbon equivalent (CE) differences. In this investigation, dissimilar armor-grade steels (rolled homogenous armor (RHA) steels and ultra-high hard armor (UHA) steel) …

  4. 06-12-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Research on dispatch of drugs and consumables in SPD warehouse of large scale hospital under uncertain environment: take respiratory consumables as an example

    This paper studies the supply chain management of medical supply-processing-distribution (SPD) and models the logistics scheduling of drugs and consumables in SPD warehouse under uncertain environment. Firstly, the key management materials are …

  5. 19-12-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Path optimization for joint distribution of medical consumables under hospital SPD supply chain mode

    The distribution of medical consumables inside the hospital is an important part of the daily operation of the hospital, which directly affects the operating efficiency of the entire hospital. Under the hospital SPD supply chain mode, the medical …

  6. Open Access 05-08-2020 | OriginalPaper

    Microstructures of high-strength steel welding consumables from directed thermal cycles by shaped laser pulses

    Filler wire metallurgy was modified through temporally shaped laser pulses, controlling cooling cycles in a recently developed method. Trends were identified through efficient mapping while maintaining representative thermal cycles of welding …

  7. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Hot Cracking Susceptibility: An Effect of Solidification Modes of SS Consumables During Bimetallic Welds

    Civil nuclear plants are built with different components made of different alloys. The reactor pressure vessel and steam lines are made of low alloy steel and stainless steels. The joining of these two sections is referred to as bimetallic joint …

    Dinesh W. Rathod, Satish Kumar Sharma, Sunil Pandey
    Published in:
    Optimization Methods in Engineering (2021)
  8. 2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Industrial Socio-Cyberphysical System’s Consumables Tokenization for Smart Contracts in Blockchain

    As a result of the development of the Industry 4.0 concept, the physical characteristics of production and the production process were transferred to the digital form. This process is also known as production digitalization. Digitalization allows …

    Nikolay Teslya
    Published in:
    Business Information Systems Workshops (2019)
  9. 06-12-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Optimal arrangement of the pulmonary interventional surgeries considering timely distribution of medical consumables

    The order of the pulmonary interventional surgeries and the reasonable arrangement of the surgical rooms are the important factors for the successful pulmonary interventional surgeries. This article uses combinatorial optimization and sequencing …

  10. Open Access 24-01-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength steel welding consumables with a minimum yield strength of 1100 MPa

    Welded high-strength steel components have great potential for use in lightweight constructions or highly loaded structures. Welding of steels with a yield strength of more than 1100 MPa is particularly challenging because of the toughness …

  11. 30-01-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Evaluating the Properties of Dissimilar Metal Welding Between Inconel 625 and 316L Stainless Steel by Applying Different Welding Methods and Consumables

    The current work was carried out to characterize welding of Inconel 625 superalloy and 316L stainless steel. In the present study, shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) with two types of filler metals (ERNiCrMo-3 …

  12. 2008 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Evaluating Hot Cracking Susceptibility of Ni-Base SAW Consumables for Welding of 9% Ni Steel

    A study of Ni-base weld metal hot cracking resistance was made comparing results from Modified Varestraint-Transvarestraint Testing (MVT), metallographic evaluation and mechanical testing. Submerged arc weld metals were produced with Alloy 625, Alloy

    L. Karlsson, E-L Bergquist, S. Rigdal, N. Thalberg
    Published in:
    Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds II (2008)
  13. 2014 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Design of an Management Software for High Value Medical Consumables

    In this paper, an software, which is written in C# program language based on ORACLE and .NET Frame Work, for high value medical consumables management is introduced. Using client–server model as system structural, data structure and the data flow are

    Zhou Longfu, Hu Yonghe, Fan Quanshui, Zhao Ming, Zhang Chaoqun, Li Zheng
    Published in:
    Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education (2014)
  14. 2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    How Resistance to Change Affects on Brand Loyalty in Consumables Market

    A search for the perfect ingredients to achieve brand loyal consumers has been popular focus in brand literature and studies have proposed numerous brand loyalty patterns. But how much of the brand loyalty is explained by resistance to change? As the

    Anna Kuikka, Tommi Laukkanen
    Published in:
    Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era (2016)
  15. 01-01-2001 | OriginalPaper

    An optimization of tungsten plug chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) using different consumables

    The continuous shrinkage of integrated circuit devices provides the advantage of having more electrical functions on the smaller chips. However, it has posed severe challenges to the manufacturing of these products. In patterning steps, the depth of …

  16. 1990 | ReviewPaper | Chapter

    The use of expert knowledge in the selection of CIG welding consumables

    This is a case study of the conception and development of an Expert System, for use at point-of-sale, to advise on the appropriate "consumables" for a customer's welding task.The paper discusses the reasons for, and justification of, the system …

    J. D. Baxter, R. B. Oldland, R. J. Bottomley
    Published in:
    AI '88 (1990)
    Included in:
    Professional Book Archive
  17. 01-02-2009 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of Welding Consumables on Fatigue Performance of Shielded Metal Arc Welded High Strength, Q&T Steel Joints

    Quenched and Tempered (Q&T) steels are widely used in the construction of military vehicles due to their high strength-to-weight ratio and high hardness. These steels are prone to hydrogen-induced cracking in the heat affected zone (HAZ) after we…

  18. 01-06-2008 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of Welding Processes and Consumables on Tensile and Impact Properties of High Strength Quenched and Tempered Steel Joints

    Quenched and tempered steels are prone to hydrogen induced cracking in the heat affected zone after welding. The use of austenitic stainless steel consumables to weld the above steel was the only available remedy because of higher solubility for …

  19. 2015 | Online First | Chapter

    Product Failures in Respirators and Consumables: Analysis of Field Safety Notices of 2005–2013 Publicized by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in Germany

    The current European system governed by the three EC directives 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive), 98/79/EC (In-Vitro Diagnostic Directive) and 90/385/EEC (Active Implantable Medical Device Directive) regulates marketing and post-market surveillan

    Jürgen Hannig, Rüdiger Siekmeier
  20. 01-08-2008 | OriginalPaper

    Influence of welding consumables on high cycle fatigue life of flux cored Arc welded high strength, quenched and tempered steel joints

    Quenched and tempered (Q&T) steels are prone to hydrogen induced cracking after welding. Austenitic stainless steel (ASS) welding consumables are traditionally used for welding of high hardness, Q&T steels as they have higher solubility for h…

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