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16632 search results for:

Sports Car 

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  1. 08-09-2023 | OriginalPaper

    A Novel Neurodynamic Model for Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case Study on Iran’s Olympic Sports Caravan

    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is one of the non-parametric approaches for evaluating efficiency. The present paper investigates a novel recurrent neural network (RNN) model for solving DEA problems. To the best of our knowledge, there is no …

  2. 01-07-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Sports Cars from Porsche - Innovations as a Tradition

    Two anniversaries can be celebrated this year: ATZ magazine turns 125, and sports car manufacturer Porsche celebrates its 75 th anniversary. Together, they have driven automotive development forward over the past decades. Today, Porsche is already …

  3. Open Access 01-08-2023 | Online First

    The meaning of difficulties in career narratives: the case of sports graduates

    As the careers of today are no longer typically stable and predictable, people should expect to encounter many challenges during their working life. The present study aimed to explore the meaning of difficulties in modern career-themed life …

  4. 05-07-2022 | Battery | News | Article

    Ferrari to Launch First Battery-Electric Sports Car in 2025

    By 2026, more than half of Ferrari's model range will be equipped with electrified powertrains. The sports car manufacturer announced this at an investor event.

  5. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    “Big Does Not Even Begin to Describe Her Enduring Impact”: The Career of Li Na, Global Sports Development, and China as Sporting Superpower

    Since the conclusion of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games, the Chinese government has restructured and refocused its sport policy. Now instead of sport being part of a process of nation building, it has shifted to be part of China’s project of …

    Oliver J. C. Rick, Longxi Li
    Published in:
    Perceptions of East Asian and Asian North American Athletics (2022)
  6. 07-06-2022 | Automotive Engineering | News | Article

    Ferrari Presents the Open Hybrid Sports Car 296 GTS

    Ferrari is unveiling the open-top version of its Berlinetta sports car with plug-in hybrid powertrain. The Ferrari 296 GTS is equipped with a retractable hardtop soft top. 

  7. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    SportsStore: Completing the Cart

    In this chapter, I continue to build the SportsStore example app. In the previous chapter, I added the basic support for a shopping cart, and now I am going to improve on and complete that functionality.

    Adam Freeman
    Published in:
    Pro ASP.NET Core 6 (2022)
  8. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    SportsStore: Navigation and Cart

    In this chapter, I continue to build out the SportsStore example app. I add support for navigating around the application and start building a shopping cart.

    Adam Freeman
    Published in:
    Pro ASP.NET Core 6 (2022)
  9. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    SportsStore: Cart and Database

    In this chapter, I continue the development of the SportsStore application, adding support for a shopping cart and introducing a database to replace the temporary repository I created in Chapter 35 .

    Adam Freeman
    Published in:
    Pro Go (2022)
  10. 01-11-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Functionally Integrated Rear Section in Lightweight Design for Electric Sports Cars

    Batteries in electric passenger cars are often housed in the underbody. This makes it more difficult to achieve a low seating position for the driver in sports cars. Porsche, ElringKlinger and Fraunhofer IPA have therefore generated a highly …

  11. 22-07-2021 | Automotive Engineering | News | Article

    Lotus Unveils New Mid-engine Sports Car Emira

    British sports car manufacturer Lotus has unveiled the Emira, a new mid-engine sports car. The sports car, which is suitable for everyday use, is to be available from summer 2022.

  12. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    SportsStore: Navigation and Cart

    In this chapter, I continue to build out the SportsStore example app. I add support for navigating around the application and start building a shopping cart.

    Adam Freeman
    Published in:
    Pro ASP.NET Core 3 (2020)
  13. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    SportsStore: Completing the Cart

    In this chapter, I continue to build the SportsStore example app. In the previous chapter, I added the basic support for a shopping cart, and now I am going to improve on and complete that functionality.

    Adam Freeman
    Published in:
    Pro ASP.NET Core 3 (2020)
  14. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Sports Marketing Special Session: Ice Hockey Consumers: Who Cares about Women Recreational Players? An Abstract

    Recognizing the many benefits of sport on individuals, communities and society, Canadian Sport Policy endeavors to increase the number and diversity of Canadians participating in sport. Female engagement is of paramount importance as recent …

    Denyse Lafrance Horning
    Published in:
    Enlightened Marketing in Challenging Times (2020)
  15. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Envisioning the Future and Going Back: A Human-Centered Strategy to Develop the Styling of a Sports Car

    Developing a vehicle means uncertainty because the competitiveness of global market implies investing high sums in advance without knowing if the final solution will be successful after its launch. Therefore, automotive styling must be well …

    Gian Andrea Giacobone, Giuseppe Mincolelli
    Published in:
    Advances in Industrial Design (2020)
  16. 2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    ITC – Integrated traction control for sports car applications

    Due to the great success of Bosch Engineering’s nonlinear model based lateral dynamics controller Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control (IVC), the concept has now been expanded to traction control systems. Based on the method of exact linearization …

    Lars König, Frieder Schindele, Andreas Zimmermann
    Published in:
    19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium (2019)
  17. 26-10-2018 | Automotive Engineering | News | Article

    Audi Updates R8 Super Sports Car

    The Audi R8 super sports car is getting a facelift. Apart from changes in the design of the Audi R8 Coupé and R8 Spyder, the chassis and the V10 petrol engine have been revised for the 2019 models.

  18. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Challenges for car body shops of electric sports cars

    German car manufacturers are currently facing a variety of challenges in order to survive in international competition. On the one hand they have to serve an increasing number of market segments and niches with more and more complex model series …

    Marian Bichler, T. Böhm, A. Kampker, J. Triebs
    Published in:
    18. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium (2018)
  19. 16-01-2019 | Automotive Engineering | News | Article

    New Toyota GR Supra 3.0 Sports Car Unveiled in Detroit

    Toyota has officially unveiled the GR Supra 3.0 at the Detroit auto show. The sports car's fifth generation combines a straight six-cylinder front engine with rear-wheel drive. 

  20. 19-07-2018 | Automotive Engineering | News | Article

    McLaren to Launch New 600LT Super Sports Car

    Based on the 570 S Coupé, the new McLaren 600LT super sports car is the lightest, most powerful and fastest road-legal model in the McLaren Sports Series range. 

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