
Quantum annealers manufactured by D-Wave Systems, Inc. are designed to compute approximate high-quality solutions of NP-hard problems using a process called quantum annealing. In particular, the annealers of D-Wave Systems are specialized quantum machines to minimize discrete functions that can be expressed in the form

$$\begin{aligned} f(x_1,\ldots ,x_n) = \sum _{i=1}^n h_i x_i + \sum _{i<j} J_{ij} x_i x_j, \end{aligned}$$

where the linear weights \(h_i \in {\mathbb {R}}\) and the quadratic couplers \(J_{ij} \in {\mathbb {R}}\), \(i,j \in \{1,\ldots ,n\}\), are specified by the user and define the problem under investigation. The variables \(x_i\) are unknown and take two values only: if \(x_i \in \{0,1\}\) the function in Eq. (1) is called a quadratic binary optimization problem (QUBO), and if \(x_i \in \{-1,+1\}\) it is called an Ising problem. Both formulations are computationally equivalent.

The time evolution of any quantum system is characterized by an operator called the Hamiltonian. For the D-Wave quantum chip, it is given by

$$\begin{aligned} H(s)=-\frac{A(s)}{2}\sum _{i=1}^n \sigma ^x_i +\frac{B(s)}{2} \left( \sum _{i=1}^n h_i\sigma ^z_i + \sum _{i\le j} J_{ij} \sigma ^z_i \sigma ^z_j \right) . \end{aligned}$$

This operator is interpreted as follows. The first term encodes an equal superposition of all states (making each bit string equally likely). The second term of Eq. (2) encodes the problem to be solved, given in Eq. (1), which is fully determined through its linear and quadratic couplers \(h_i\) and \(J_{ij}\), respectively. During annealing, the quantum system slowly transitions from an equal superposition of all states to one whose ground state encodes the implemented problem to be solved. This is realized with the help of a so-called anneal path, given by the functions A(s) and B(s). At the start of the anneal, A(s) is large and B(s) is small, and during annealing A(s) decreases to zero while B(s) increases to some maximal value. During the annealing process, it is expected that the system stays in a ground state, thus allowing to read off a low-energy (optimal or near-optimal) solution of the implemented problem upon termination.

To minimize Eq. (1) on the D-Wave quantum annealer, the following steps are typically required:

  1. (1)

    After expressing the problem to be solved as a minimization problem of the type of Eq. (1), one can represent Eq. (1) as a problem graph P itself having n vertices, one for each variable \(x_i\), \(i \in \{1,\ldots ,n\}\). Each vertex i has a vertex weight \(h_{i}\). Each non-zero term \(J_{ij} x_i x_j\) becomes an edge between vertices i and j with edge weight \(J_{ij}\).

  2. (2)

    The problem graph P is mapped onto the graph of qubit connectivity of the quantum annealer. Since the D-Wave annealers offer a fixed number of physical qubits whose connectivity usually does not match the one of the problem graph P, a minor embedding of P onto the qubit hardware graph is typically needed. In the embedding, it is usually the case that some logical qubits are represented by a set of physical qubits on the D-Wave hardware graph, called a chain. Chained qubits require the specification of a coupler weight as well, called the chain strength or chain weight, to incentivize them to take the same value during annealing. The number of chained qubits per logical qubit is called the chain length. Embedding the problem graph P onto the hardware graph results in a subgraph of the hardware graph, denoted as \(P'\).

  3. (3)

    D-Wave starts the annealing process by initializing all the qubits used in the embedding of \(P'\) in an equal superposition, from which the system slowly transitions to the user-specified QUBO or Ising problem while aiming to keep all qubits in the ground state. Thus a solution can be read off once the system is fully transitioned to the problem Hamiltonian.

  4. (4)

    Though they represent one logical qubit, chained hardware qubits are not guaranteed to take the same value after annealing (we call those broken chains). To arrive at a consistent solution, we need to unembed chains, meaning that each broken chain has to be assigned one value after annealing. There is no unique way to achieve this, though D-Wave offers several default methods for unembedding.

Since computing a minor embedding is computationally intensive, the annealer is oftentimes used with a fixed precomputed embedding of a complete graph \(K_s\) of size s, which is the maximum size that can fit onto the qubit hardware. This has the advantage that any problem graph P of s vertices can be easily embedded into the annealer as it is a subgraph of \(K_s\). However, using a fixed complete graph embedding also has disadvantages. First, using a fixed complete embeddding might lead to a poorer solution quality than using tailored embeddings1. This is due to increased problem complexity, as well as longer chain lengths that distort the original problem. Second, if the problem to be solved on D-Wave does not require all (or the majority) of the hardware qubits, the D-Wave hardware is used suboptimally since qubits remain unused during annealing that could be employed to solve other problems. This second case is aggravated by the fact that the largest complete embedding which fits onto the hardware does not use all of the available qubits.

In this contribution, we show that multiple instances of either the same or different problems can be embedded and subsequently solved in parallel on a single quantum annealing chip, while suffering from only a small decrease in individual solution quality (measured by the probability of finding a ground state solution). Specifically, we propose a method called parallel quantum annealing for solving multiple problems simultaneously on a quantum annealer, which works as follows. Given a limit on the number of variables allowed per QUBO problem to be solved simultaneously, say \(s \in {\mathbb {N}}\), we compute a maximum number of embeddings, say \(k \in {\mathbb {N}}\), of complete graphs of order s that can be placed on the quantum chip (see Fig. 1). This will allow any k QUBO problems with no more than s variables each to be easily embedded into the QPU (quantum processing unit), since any problem graph of s vertices can be embedded into a complete graph of order s. We can then solve the resulting composite QUBO in a single call on the quantum annealer and decompose the returned solution into solutions of the individual QUBOs. This is justified since, when adding together independent QUBOs (that is when adding together functions of the form of Eq. (1) that do not share any unknown variables), the solution of the composite QUBO will be the union of all individual ground states, and the bitstring yielding the minimum will be the concatenation of all individual bitstring solutions.

Figure 1
figure 1

Clique of size 20 embedded 12 times into the hardware of DW 2000Q, which uses Chimera graph topology (a), and 68 times into DW Advantage, which has a Pegasus hardware graph (b). The coloring is arbitrary and used to highlight the separation of the different embeddings, with unused qubits and couplers in grey. Note that the actual embeddings do not make use of all of the physical couplers between the qubits used in the embedding; in theses figures we are showing the subgraphs induced by the qubits used in each embedding.

We apply our proposed parallel quantum annealing methodology to the Maximum Clique problem, an important NP-hard problem with applications in network analysis, bioinformatics, and computational chemistry2,3,4. For a graph \(G=(V,E)\) with vertex set V and edge set E, a clique in G is any subgraph C of G that is complete, i.e., there is an edge between each pair of vertices of C. The Maximum Clique problem asks us to find a clique of maximum size. A formulation of the Maximum Clique problem in the form of Eq. (1) is available in the literature4,5. In this article, we will consider both the D-Wave 2000Q at Los Alamos National Laboratory (referred to as DW 2000Q), and the newer D-Wave Advantage_System 1.1 (referred to as DW Advantage) which we accessed through D-Wave Leap.

Multiple problems of the same type may need to be solved in various scenarios. For instance, decomposition methods6 for solving optimization problems such as Maximum Clique allow one to divide an input problem that is too large to fit on the QPU into many smaller problems from which a solution of the original problem can be constructed. Methods in computer vision7, genomics8, and protein structure analysis9 have been shown to lead to solving multiple Maximum Clique problems. Also, a hard instance of the same problem (e.g., Maximum Clique) may need to be solved multiple times on the quantum annealer in order to find an optimal or high-quality solution, and all such executions are independent and can be run in parallel with our proposed method.

The article is structured as follows. We start with a brief literature review in the “Literature review” section. Experimental results are reported in the “Experiments” section, followed by a discussion in the “Discussion” section. In the “Methods” section we highlight the rationale behind solving problems in parallel on the D-Wave hardware architecture, in particular the choice of the embedding. We also provide a generalization of the TTS (Time-To-Solution) formula we employ to measure the TTS metric for parallel and sequential problem solving.

Literature review

Ising spin glass models have been extensively studied in the literature, for instance with respect to the stability of the system, its phase transitions, and its magnetization distribution10. To find the ground state of such spin glass models, as well as for other problem Hamiltonians, quantum annealing has been shown to find ground states with higher probability than classical (thermal) simulated annealing11.

The fact that a quantum system will stay near its ground state if its Hamiltonian varies slowly enough led to adiabatic quantum algorithms12, for which it was hypothesized early that they might be able to outperform classical algorithms on instances of NP-complete problems. In particular, quantum annealing can be shown to converge to the ground state energy at a faster rate than its classical counterpart13. A comprehensive review on combinatorial optimization problems (such as the ones studied in the present article), spin glasses, and quantum annealing via adiabatic evolution is available in the literature14.

There are very few published results yet concerning parallelism and quantum annealing, and none of them discusses the type of parallelism we propose. Some papers consider pairing quantum computing systems with modern HPC infrastructure15. The focus there lays on the design of macroarchitecture, microarchitecture, and programming models needed to integrate near-term quantum computers with HPC systems, and the near-term feasibility of such systems. They do not consider, however, parallelism at the level of a quantum device.

In a different context16, the authors study the problem of simulating dynamical systems on a quantum annealer. Such systems are intrinsically sequential in the time component, which makes them difficult to simulate on a quantum computer. They propose to use the parallel in time idea from classical computing to reformulate a problem so that it can be solved as the task of finding a ground state of an Ising model. Such an Ising model is then solved on a quantum annealer. However, unlike our work, there is only one Ising problem solved at a time.

Another approach considers a framework built upon Field Programmable Gate Array chips (FPGA) in connection with probabilistic bits to simulate Gibbs samplers17. The authors use their algorithm on blocks of conditionally independent nodes of the input graph, which are updated in parallel using a quantum annealer. The authors remark that technically, all blocks have to be completed before some synchronization step is carried out; however, if not all blocks are completed, the network is still able to find exact ground states. However, the parallel architecture proposed by the authors17 is not quantum.

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose solving multiple independent problems in parallel on a single quantum device. In a previous contribution18, the parallel quantum annealing methodology has been used in a specific manner as a way to solve 255 small QUBOs (with a maximum of 4 variables each) simultaneously on the D-Wave 2000Q at Los Alamos National Laboratory with a relatively small number of anneals. In contrast to the previous work18, the present article expands on the parallel quantum annealing idea by investigating larger problem sizes, considering the NP-hard Maximum Clique problem, and applying it to the new DW Advantage generation that uses a Pegasus qubit connection topology19.


In this section, we assess the proposed parallel quantum annealing technique by solving several Maximum Clique problems in the same D-Wave call. First, after two brief notes on the parameter setting (“Parameter tuning” section) and the Time-To-Solution metric (“Time-To-Solution for an ensemble of problems” section), we investigate in the “Accuracy of parallel quantum annealing” section the behavior of both the ground state probability and the TTS measure as a function of the problem size for various graph densities, and for both DW 2000Q and DW Advantage. Next, in the “Comparison of sequential to parallel quantum annealing” section, we compare parallel quantum annealing and sequential quantum annealing, again with respect to both ground state probability and the TTS measure. A comparison of parallel quantum annealing with the classical FMC solver20 on the Maximum Clique problem is given in the “Comparison with a fast classical solver” section. We conclude with an assessment of how our method can help to solve a single hard problem by implementing it multiple times on the hardware in the “Improving a single hard problem’s TTS using parallel quantum annealing” section.

Parameter tuning

The D-Wave annealers offer a variety of tuning parameters that can be chosen by the user before each anneal. Those encompass the annealing time, the chain strength, anneal offsets, etc. We perform a grid search on the DW 2000Q in order to find reasonable values for both the chain strength and the annealing time, with the goal to minimize the QPU time while maximizing the probability of finding the ground state of each of the embedded problems.

In all experiments, we set the annealing time to 50 microseconds, and compute the chain strength using the uniform torque compensation method included in the D-Wave Ocean SDK21 with a UTC prefactor of 0.2. Lastly, We set the programming thermalization time to 0 microseconds, and the readout thermalization time to 0 microseconds. We use the same parameters for the experiments with DW Advantage as we do for the ones with DW 2000Q. However, the performance of DW Advantage might be potentially improved by additional parameter optimization.

Time-To-Solution for an ensemble of problems

Since quantum annealers are stochastic (and heuristic) solvers, they are not guaranteed to find the ground state (the global minimum) of a problem of the type of Eq. (1) in each anneal. Therefore, to have a meaningful metric of accuracy, Time-To-Solution is used to quantify the expected time it takes to reach an optimum solution with a 99 percent confidence22,23,24,25. It is defined, in the sequential case, as

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {TTS}}_{seq} =\frac{1}{A} (T_{\text {QPU}} + U) \frac{\log (0.01)}{\log (1-p) }, \end{aligned}$$

where p is the probability of finding the ground state within a single anneal, \(T_{\text {QPU}}\) is the total D-Wave QPU time (specifically the qpu-access-time), and U is the total CPU process time used to compute the unembedded solutions in seconds. Note that in Eq. (3), we do not include the embedding time because we compute full clique embeddings, and then save and re-use those embeddings.

In the context of the present work, a generalization of the standard TTS measure is required since we solve K problems of size N simultaneously on the same D-Wave chip, using a total QPU processing time of \(T_{\text {QPU}}\) and A anneals.

For each problem \(i \in \{1,\ldots ,K\}\) we solve simultaneously, we record the proportion of correct solutions \(p_i\) among the A anneals. We weigh those using the formula

$$\begin{aligned} p_K = \frac{1}{K} \sum _{i=1}^K p_i, \end{aligned}$$

where every \(p_i\) must be non-zero. We generalize Eq. (3) as

$$\begin{aligned} {\text {TTS}}_{ens}(K) = \frac{1}{A} \left( \frac{T_{\text {QPU}}}{K} + U \right) \frac{\log (0.01)}{\log (1-p_K)}, \end{aligned}$$

where U is the total CPU unembedding time used to unembed the solutions of each of the K problems. We refer to \({\text {TTS}}_{ens}\) as the ensemble Time-To-Solution, since it captures the time to reach an optimal solution for each problem in a group of problems that are solved simultaneously.

Accuracy of parallel quantum annealing

This section studies the accuracy of parallel quantum annealing per se. Using the parameters of the “Parameter tuning” section, we investigate the probability with which a ground state is found as a function of the problem size. Figure 2 shows results for both DW 2000Q (a) and for DW Advantage (b). We observe that, as expected, DW 2000Q finds the ground state probability (GSP) more reliably for smaller problems, though the probability varies quite considerably with the graph density. Denser problem graphs are typically easier than sparser ones. For cliques of roughly size 40 onward, DW 2000Q is unable to find the ground state. For DW Advantage we observe a similar picture. The GSP is higher for smaller problems than for larger ones, with an even bigger spread by graph density. As before, denser problem graphs are easier to solve reliably than sparser ones. As expected, DW Advantage is able to solve larger inputs, in particular it finds the ground state with appreciable probability of up to \(40\%\) even for inputs of size 40.

Figure 2
figure 2

Ground state probability (GSP) achieved by parallel quantum annealing for DW 2000Q (a) and for DW Advantage (b) as a function of the problem size N. Graph densities range from 0.10 to 0.95 (color coding shown in the legend). Black solid line plots the mean parallel quantum annealing GSP as a function of problem size.

Something we noted in these results is that the parallel quantum annealing method never found all ground state solutions in a single anneal. Instead, different sets of ground state solutions were found with each anneal - and over a sequence of anneals we eventually find the solutions to all of the problems. Interestingly, the rate at which the ground state solutions were found was not the same across all problems - indeed it was heavily biased. This bias is likely due to differences in the embeddings.

Similarly to Figure 2, Figure 3 shows the ensemble TTS measure for parallel quantum annealing as a function of the problem size, and for various graph densities. For DW 2000Q (a), we observe that this TTS measure increases as the problem size increases, which is as expected. The reason for the “jump” at around problem size 40 is unknown, but the behavior of D-Wave could be related to an internal hardware issue (during the time frame in which some of this data was taken on DW 2000Q, around problem sizes 38-46, there was an initially undetected temperature increase from the typical 0.015 Kelvin of the hardware, likely leading to a poorer solution quality). In accordance with Fig. 2, dense problem inputs seem to be easier for D-Wave, and thus incur a lower TTS value. For DW Advantage (b), we observe a similar picture. Interestingly, for almost all problem sizes that can be solved on DW 2000Q (roughly up to size 40), the DW 2000Q is actually the better solver with respect to the TTS metric. For sizes above 40, DW Advantage is the better solver with respect to TTS.

Figure 3
figure 3

Ensemble TTS for parallel quantum annealing as a function of the problem size for DW 2000Q (a) and DW Advantage (b). Graph densities range from 0.10 to 0.95 (color coding shown in the legend). Black solid line plots the mean parallel quantum annealing ensemble TTS as a function of problem size.

Comparison of sequential to parallel quantum annealing

To compare the benefits and trade-offs of solving several problems in parallel on the D-Wave quantum annealers, we first investigate the difference between the GSP found by both sequential and parallel quantum annealing. Here, sequential quantum annealing refers to solving the problems separately one after the other on the D-Wave architecture. The GSP in the parallel case is simply defined per problem as the probability of finding its individual ground state. Figure 4 shows results for DW 2000Q (a) and for DW Advantage (b). We observe that, on average across the graph densities considered, solving problems simultaneously causes D-Wave to find a ground state slightly less frequently than when solving them sequentially. For DW Advantage, this phenomenon is even more pronounced.

Figure 4
figure 4

Difference between the ground state probabilities (GSP) of sequential and parallel quantum annealing as a function of the problem size for DW 2000Q (a) and DW Advantage (b). Values above zero indicate that sequential quantum annealing finds higher ground state probabilities than parallel quantum annealing. Averages indicated with a solid black line. Graph densities range from 0.10 to 0.95 (color coding shown in legend).

The reduced GSP we observe for parallel quantum annealing can be explained as follows. First, the problem complexity (i.e., the number of variables and quadratic terms) increases when solving multiple problems as opposed to one, potentially causing difficulties for the D-Wave annealer. Second, multiple embeddings on the chip mean that there is a closer physical proximity between the qubits used per embedding, potentially causing increased leakage and interaction between the involved qubits. However, unlike TTS, the GSP metric does not account for the fact that we are finding solutions to multiple problems.

Next, Fig. 5 compares the sequential and parallel quantum annealing efficiencies with respect to the TTS metric. The TTS speedup is computed as the quotient of the sequential and parallel TTS values. For DW 2000Q (a), we observe that the proposed parallel quantum annealing approach yields substantial speedups (an average of 152-fold over all problem sizes considered) compared to solving the same problems sequentially on the D-Wave chip. A stratification by graph density is not observable in this case. As expected, the speedup is more pronounced for smaller problem sizes, as in this case more problems can be solved in parallel. For DW Advantage, a considerable speedup (on average around 20-fold) is observed over all problem sizes considered.

Figure 5
figure 5

TTS speedup of using parallel quantum annealing compared to sequential quantum annealing as a function of the problem size for D-Wave 2000Q (a) and D-Wave Advantage 1.1 (b). The TTS speedup is computed as the quotient of the sequential and parallel TTS metrics. Mean values are shown by the solid black line. Graph densities range from 0.10 to 0.95 (color coding shown in the legend).

Note that the CPU unembedding time increases when unembedding larger datasets; meaning that for larger backends (and more variables used per anneal) the total unembedding time will increase. Therefore, the differences in TTS between the two backends seen in Fig. 5 are not only caused by the differences in GSP seen in Fig. 4.

Comparison with a fast classical solver

We compare the performance of the proposed parallel quantum annealing approach with a classical solver for the Maximum Clique problem. We employ the fast maximum clique (FMC) solver20. FMC is run in exact mode throughout this experiment.

Figure 6 shows the speedup of parallel quantum annealing over FMC. For the probabilistic parallel QA, we measure ensemble TTS (see the “Time-To-Solution for an ensemble of problems” section), whereas for the classical FMC solver, we measure CPU times (this is justified since TTS reduces to CPU time in the classical case). The speedup is computed as the quotient of the parallel TTS metric and the CPU process time used by FMC. For DW 2000Q (a), we observe that for both small problems (of any density) and for high densities up to problem size 40, using parallel quantum annealing yields better TTS values than using FMC. In turn, FMC is superior to DW 2000Q for low density graphs. For problems exceeding size 40, DW 2000Q is not the preferred choice (as seen in previous experiments), making FMC the faster choice for all densities. Interestingly, for DW Advantage (b), we observe that D-Wave is not superior to FMC apart from very high densities. In turn, the DW Advantage architecture does not suffer from a reduced accuracy for large problem sizes (compared to the DW 2000Q).

Figure 6
figure 6

Speedup of using parallel quantum annealing compared with the classical FMC solver as a function of the problem size for DW 2000Q (a) and DW Advantage (b). Log scale on the y-axis. Graph densities range from 0.10 to 0.95 (color coding shown in the legend).

Improving a single hard problem’s TTS using parallel quantum annealing

Finally, we consider how parallel quantum annealing can be used to increase the GSP, and therefore TTS, of a single hard QUBO problem. Such problems need to be run sequentially many times on the quantum annealer to get even a single optimal solution. Our idea is to run multiple replicas (identical copies of the QUBO) simultaneously using parallel quantum annealing.

We compare sequential quantum annealing and parallel quantum annealing on DW Advantage for a fixed set of 16 random graphs with \(N=40\) nodes and \(p=0.5\). Each problem is first solved sequentially, and afterwards solved in parallel by embedding it 16 times onto the hardware. Results are shown in Fig. 7, where we see that parallel quantum annealing can reduce TTS due to improved GSP. Over all problems considered, the average TTS speedup (the quotient of sequential QA TTS and parallel QA TTS) is 7, and the average GSP increase (the quotient of parallel QA GSP and sequential QA GSP) is 10. Note that problem 0 had worse TTS in the parallel quantum annealing case. This is due to an increased cost in the CPU unembedding time in the parallel case.

Figure 7
figure 7

TTS (a) and GSP (b) for the 15 test problems we consider, both for parallel quantum annealing (blue) and sequential quantum annealing (green). Log scale on the y-axis.

To compute the TTS measure of the parallel implementation, we use Eq. (3), and not Eq. (4). This is due to the fact that there are not K distinct problem being solved in parallel; instead, we are solving the same problem K times during the same annealing cycle. Therefore, p is simply the proportion of anneals that found the optimal solution. Note, however, that we can have cases where the ground state solution is found multiple times in the same anneal (we do not distinguish between finding the ground state once or more than once in the embedded problems).


This article investigates a proposed method called parallel quantum annealing, which allows one to solve many independent problems on a quantum annealer during the same annealing cycle. The idea is justified by the fact that independent QUBOs, that is those not sharing any variable, can be added together to yield a combined QUBO that preserves the bitstring solution of each, and has a new ground state probability that is the sum of the individual ground state probabilities.

We evaluate the proposed approach with respect to both accuracy and the TTS metric on both DW 2000Q and DW Advantage. We compare to sequential quantum annealing (i.e., solving the same problems sequentially on D-Wave), and the classical FMC solver. We demonstrate that while the solution accuracy is slightly decreased for simultaneously solved problems, parallel quantum annealing can yield a considerable speedup of up to two orders of magnitude. Interestingly, using the newer DW Advantage does not yield more pronounced speedups in TTS than the previous generation DW 2000Q.

Notably, parallel quantum annealing is different from classical parallelism in that parallel quantum annealing solves multiple problems on a single quantum chip, whereas classical parallel computing solves independent problems at the same time, but using different physical circuits. Therefore, for a sufficiently large quantum annealer (and assuming the solution quality does not suffer), a very large number of problems could be solved in a very short amount of time (determined by the annealing time and the number of anneals).

The number of qubits in new quantum annealers have been steadily increasing, but there has been a concern that higher error rates may prevent such machines from solving very large problems. Parallel quantum annealing may be an alternative to making future larger machines usable.

This work leaves scope for future research avenues:

  1. 1.

    This work only considers solving Maximum Clique problems simultaneously on D-Wave. Investigating other important NP-hard problems remains for future work. In particular, the QUBOs being solved in parallel do not have to stem from the same problems, and they do not need to be of equal size.

  2. 2.

    Optimizing the annealing parameters (such as annealing time, chain strengths, etc.) for DW Advantage might significantly improve its performance.

  3. 3.

    It remains to investigate why parallel quantum annealing unfairly finds the ground states of some problems at higher rates than others; and how this effect can be mitigated. A related question is how fairly parallel quantum annealing samples the degenerate ground states of the embedded problems.


This section discusses some of the elements of the proposed parallel quantum annealing technique, in particular the QUBO formulation of the Maximum Clique problem (“Maximum clique QUBO” section), combining multiple small QUBOs into a single one (“Combining QUBOs of independent problems” section), the choice of the embedding (“Choice of the embedding” section), and the specifics of the D-Wave execution (“D-wave procedure” section).

Maximum Clique QUBO

The Maximum Clique QUBO we use is given by5,26

$$\begin{aligned} H_{MC} = -A\sum _{v \in V} x_v + B\sum _{(u,v) \in {\overline{E}}} x_u x_v, \end{aligned}$$

where the constants can be chosen as \(A=1\), \(B=2\) (see26).

Combining QUBOs of independent problems

Consider two QUBOs \(H_1(x_1,\ldots ,x_n)\) and \(H_2(x_{n+1},\ldots ,x_m)\) with respective minimum solutions \(x_1^*,\ldots ,x_n^*\) and \(x_{n+1}^*,\ldots ,x_m^*\). Since both QUBOs do not share any variable, the ground state of \(H_1+H_2\), which is now a function in \(x_1,\ldots ,x_n,x_{n+1},\ldots ,x_m\), is precisely the sum of the ground states of \(H_1\) and \(H_2\), and the minimum bitstring yielding the ground state will be \(x_1^*,\ldots ,x_n^*,x_{n+1}^*,\ldots ,x_m^*\). This idea lays at the heart of parallel quantum annealing.

Given we have an embedding that allows us to place \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) simultaneously on the quantum chip, we can therefore embed and solve \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) in one D-Wave call. Naturally, \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) do not need to be QUBOs of the same type of optimization problem, and neither do they need to be of equal size. Generalization to a larger number of QUBOs is straightforward.

The D-Wave hardware has a hardware precision limit27,28,29 for the provided problem coefficients. Therefore, when constructing these independent QUBOs, another point to consider is how the minimum and maximum range of these independent QUBOs compare to each other. If one of these QUBOs’ coefficients dominate all of the other QUBOs, then most of the QUBO coefficients will effectively be lost in noise. Therefore, it might be necessary to normalize the minimum and maximum QUBO coefficients across all of the QUBOs that are being solved at the same time. In the experiments shown in the “Experiments” section, all of the problems are Maximum Clique QUBOs, which always have the same minimum and maximum coefficient range - therefore no coefficient normalization is used.

Choice of the embedding

We aim to create multiple disjoint minor-embeddings of a complete graph of size N onto the DW 2000Q and the DW Advantage hardware. This allows us to embed arbitrary QUBOs of size N onto the hardware connectivity graph, meaning that we can solve multiple problems of arbitrary structure (up to size N) in parallel in a single backend call.

We compute separate embeddings for clique sizes N in the range of \(N \in \{8,\ldots ,46\}\) for DW 2000Q, and \(N \in \{10,\ldots ,60\}\) for DW Advantage. As shown in Fig. 1, ideally the embeddings should be chosen such that both the number of cliques (complete graphs) embedded on the quantum hardware, as well as the physical distance between the embeddings is maximized. The latter is conjectured to decrease spurious interactions between qubits of different QUBOs on the chip, thus helping to increase the solution quality.

The disjoint embeddings for both DW 2000Q and DW Advantage are computed using the method minorminer30,31. In particular, we supply the graph to be embedded to minorminer as simply the union of the disjoint cliques we wish to embed. This is done for all clique sizes N for which an embedding can be found by minorminer. Figure 8 shows both the number of embeddings we are able to place on the D-Wave quantum chip, as well as the chain lengths occurring in those embeddings for both DW 2000Q and DW Advantage.

Figure 8
figure 8

(a) Number of embeddings as a function of the embedding size (clique size) N for DW 2000Q (blue) and DW Advantage (red). (b) Scatter plot of the chain lengths occurring in the embeddings as a function of the embedding size N, with the average depicted as a line. For DW 2000Q, we consider cliques of sizes \(N \in \{8,\ldots ,46\}\), while \(N \in \{10,\ldots ,60\}\) for DW Advantage.

Supplying minorminer with a graph consisting of the disjoint cliques we wish to embed is sub-optimal. In particular, when computing the embeddings, we would ideally be optimizing for the separation between the embeddings on the hardware. This remains for future work, thus close physical proximity of our embeddings may cause leakage between qubits.

As described in the “Introduction” section, after annealing, we need to unembed all chains. For this, we tried both the majority vote method and the random weighted method. All results shown in this paper use the random weighted unembedding method.

D-Wave procedure

For each of the number of disjoint embeddings we fixed in the “Choice of the embedding” section, we generate an Erdős–Rényi random graph G(np) of size \(n=N\), varying edge probability p from 0.10 to 0.95 in increments of 0.05 such that each random graph is connected, does not have any degree 0 nodes, and is not a full clique itself. Then, we compute the exact Maximum Clique solution using FMC20 and Networkx32,33,34,35 (the Networkx solver is used to find any degenerate Maximum Clique solutions). This step is necessary in order to find the CPU time used by FMC, as well as determine the exact solution(s) for the purpose of computing ground state probability (GSP), which is used to compute the quantum annealer Time-To-Solution (TTS) metric.

Next, we arbitrarily assign each of the random graphs to one of the disjoint embeddings. Then, the Maximum Clique QUBO is computed for each of these random graphs, and each QUBO is then embedded onto its assigned embedding. For example, Fig. 1(a) shows that on DW 2000Q for \(N=20\), we generate 12 random graphs of size 20 and then embed those 12 Maximum Clique QUBOs onto each of their respective (independent) embeddings. Then, this is repeated for each density.

Once the problems are embedded, we call the D-Wave backend using the parameter setting of the “Parameter tuning” section. In order to get reliable results for the TTS computation, we call the backend 100 times for each problem, and each backend call requests 1, 000 anneals. This results in 100, 000 samples in total per random graph. From these results, we first unembed the samples using the random weighted method, and then we compute how many of the 100, 000 samples correctly found the Maximum Clique solution. Using this information, we then compute the ensemble TTS metric using Eq. (4).

Next, we apply the sequential quantum annealing method; meaning that we solve each of those QUBOs using separate backend calls. Importantly, each QUBO still uses the same physical hardware embedding as it did in the parallel case, so that differences in the embeddings will not change solution quality. In the example of Fig. 1(a), we would perform the 100 backend calls for each one of the 12 distinct problems, without the other 11 embedded into the chip. This procedure is then repeated for all graph densities as well. Once again, we unembed using the random weighted method, and we also compute GSP for each of the problems. This procedure allows us to directly compare the solution quality for each of these problems when solving them separately and in parallel. Using this data, we can compute the TTS using Eq. (3) for each of the random graphs. Thus, the total TTS for a group of graphs that were solved sequentially is the sum of each of their individual TTS values (in contrast to using parallel quantum annealing where we compute the ensemble TTS using Eq. (4)).

It is important to note that, especially for larger clique sizes (e.g., cliques of size 40 and larger for DW 2000Q, and clique sizes 50 onward for DW Advantage), not all problems can be solved to optimality by the quantum annealer. In this case, we encounter missing information in the computation of the TTS metric. We mitigate this problem by attempting to solve another randomly generated problem instead until the TTS metric can be computed. However, in settings where particular graphs need to be solved (as opposed to the setting with random graphs we consider), it is likely that D-Wave fails for large problems solved using a fixed embedding1. These failures can be attributed to longer chain lengths leading to broken chains, and therefore worse solution quality. Our results in the “Improving a single hard problem’s TTS using parallel quantum annealing” section show a possible solution to this problem; that is using many different embeddings to solve the same problem in parallel might allow D-Wave to more consistently find optimal solutions for large problem sizes.