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2024 | Buch

Collaborative Advantage

How Open Organizations Thrive in Volatility


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“A must-read for every innovator and transformator!”

- - Franziska Tschudi Sauber, President of the Board, Weidmann Group

"Collaborative Advantage is packed with great examples and useful insights into innovating for the future. It is an essential guide for anyone interested in Open Innovation."

- - Henry Chesbrough, author of Open Innovation, Professor UC Berkeley

“In today’s dynamic markets, companies need to collaborate to have access to all assets and capabilities necessary to out-innovate competitors. However, to collaborate effectively is an organizational capability that needs to be build and nurtured. This book shows how.”

- - Claudio Feser, Co-Founder Leadership Practice McKinsey & Company

“Transformation is a necessity in the new business environment. Collaborative Advantage outlines how to do it in a sustainable way.”

- - Marianne Janik, CEO Microsoft Germany

The world is changing faster than ever before. Technological disruptions, AI, digital value chains, new ecosystems, and hyper competition are challenging companies. How can managers keep up with the speed of change? Dominant thinking has centered around the concept of ‘competitive advantage,’ - taught to generations of MBA students. But this is no longer enough. Instead, leaders have to think much more in terms of which networks and partnerships they can leverage in order to create and secure the future of their company. Collaborative advantage is the new imperative for the next decades.

In this book, the authors analyze how exceptional leaders have not only survived but thrived in volatility by skillfully orchestrating agile collaborative networks with customers, partners and start-ups. In-depth case studies and personal reflections of these leaders provide you with actionable inspirations for your own practice. Underpinned with cutting edge research, it illustrates how these collaborations can be managed in a data-driven way.



Collaborative Advantage

Chapter 1. Introduction: Managing in a Hyper-VUCA World
How can managers thrive in the new competitive environment characterized by unprecedented volatility and uncertainty? The best leaders build unapologetically open organizations that allow them to seamlessly leverage resources from their entire ecosystem. This collaborative advantage takes the lessons from agile product management and applies them to transformation management: From “build, measure, learn” to “innovate, scale, transform.” The rest of the book explores actionable pathways based on concrete case studies and personal success recipes from some of the most successful transformation leaders in the world.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann
Chapter 2. Collaboration Analytics
How can companies use data and AI to better manage transformations? As knowledge workers use ever more software tools, they leave digital footprints which form an untapped treasure trove for people analytics. This allows for a real-time, data-driven understanding of how the work in the organization actually gets done. We illustrate with a diverse set of concrete examples how these data sources can be interpreted and used in practice to drive transformative business value. We also explain the six collaborative signatures leaders should watch out for and how to interpret them.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann

Collaborative Innovation

Chapter 3. Dynamics of Collaborative Innovation
How can companies innovate faster than the world changes? Open organizations build collaborative advantage by involving customers much earlier in the innovation process and leveraging flexible cooperations with external partners such as start-ups. This chapter explores the key dynamics of this collaborative innovation and how they shape the future of business:
Co-create Your Future Business with Customers: Learn how to engage customers as co-creators, tapping into their insights and needs to shape the future direction of your business.
Break Up Internal Echo Chambers to Drive Idea Flow: Break down internal echo chambers and encourage the free flow of ideas across your organization, fostering a culture of open innovation.
Use Leadership Incentives to Nurture Innovation Across Silos: Employ leadership incentives to break down silos and encourage innovation to flourish across all departments and teams.
Understand the Benefits of Social Learning: Explore the power of social learning in driving innovation, where knowledge is shared, amplified, and refined through collaborative interactions.
Build a Culture of Creative Collisions: Cultivate a culture where creative collisions—unexpected encounters and diverse perspectives—drive innovation and spark new ideas.
This chapter provides insights and practical strategies for leaders and organizations looking to harness the dynamics of collaborative innovation. By embracing these principles, you can foster a culture of creativity, engage customers as partners, and propel your business forward in an ever-evolving landscape of innovation.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann
Chapter 4. Leading for Collaborative Innovation
Effective leadership is at the core of collaborative innovation. This chapter explores the strategies and practices that leaders can employ to drive innovation through collaboration:
Lead for Collisions, Not for More Meetings: Discover how effective leadership encourages creative collisions, fostering innovation without overwhelming teams with unnecessary meetings.
Balance Internal and External Collaboration: Striking the right balance between internal and external collaboration is crucial for fostering innovation. Learn how to leverage both to drive breakthroughs.
Connect Networks of Innovators: Effective leaders connect networks of innovators within and outside the organization, facilitating the flow of ideas and fostering a culture of continuous innovation.
Ideas for Action: Implement simple yet impactful leadership practices that can drive collaborative innovation within your organization. In addition, dive into advanced leadership practices that can take your collaborative innovation efforts to the next level, driving transformative change.
Collaborative Innovation in Action: LEGO: Gain insights into how LEGO, a global leader in creativity and innovation, has successfully implemented collaborative innovation strategies.
This chapter serves as a guide for leaders and organizations seeking to harness collaborative innovation as a driver of growth and success. By adopting these strategies, leaders can inspire creativity, connect innovators, and propel their organizations toward a future of continuous innovation.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann

Collaborative Scaling

Chapter 5. Hyperscaling Through Collaborations
How can companies unleash hypergrowth and scale up their successful innovations? Open organizations build collaborative advantage by focusing on their core capabilities and leveraging their ecosystem to scale up faster in a way that limits complexity. This chapter explores the art of hyperscaling through strategic collaborations and networks, highlighting five key strategies:
Leverage Your Ecosystem to Scale Up Faster: Discover how to tap into your ecosystem to accelerate growth and expand your reach. Learn the art of forming mutually beneficial partnerships that drive success.
Leverage Collaborative Networks to Scale Organically: Explore the power of collaborative networks in growing your business organically. Uncover strategies to build and nurture valuable relationships within your industry.
Scale Faster by Scaling Lean and Orchestrating External Partners: Dive into the concept of lean scaling and the role of external partners in your scaling journey. Learn how to optimize resources and leverage external expertise for rapid growth.
Lead with a Focus on Collaboration to Energize Scaling: Effective leadership is at the core of successful collaborations. Understand how to lead with a collaborative mindset that empowers your team and fosters innovation.
Employ Nudges to Help Your Scale-Up Team Resonate: Explore the use of nudges and behavioral psychology to create a culture of collaboration within your scale-up team. Discover techniques to align your team's goals and actions with your scaling objectives.
This chapter provides actionable insights and practical advice for entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking to achieve hyperscale growth by embracing collaboration as a strategic advantage. Whether you're a start-up looking to expand or an established company aiming to stay agile, these strategies will help you navigate the path to rapid and sustainable growth.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann
Chapter 6. Managing Growth Challenges Through Collaborative Scaling
Scaling a business presents a unique set of challenges that demand innovative solutions. In this chapter, we delve into the art of managing growth challenges through collaborative scaling, exploring the following key strategies:
Increase Collaborations in a Targeted Manner: Learn how to strategically increase collaborations to support your growth objectives. Discover the importance of aligning partnerships with your business goals.
Vulnerability as a Leader Helps You Nurture Resonance: Effective leadership requires vulnerability. Understand how opening up as a leader can foster trust and resonate with your team, driving collaboration.
Balance Structure and Autonomy to Manage the Scaling Trap: Striking the right balance between structure and autonomy is critical in avoiding the scaling trap. Discover how to maintain agility while managing complexity.
Ideas for Action: Explore practical, easy-to-implement practices to enhance collaboration within your organization. For those seeking to take their collaborative scaling efforts to the next level, also delve into advanced practices that can drive transformative change.
Collaborative Scaling in Action at Amazon: Gain real-world insights by examining how Amazon, a global giant, has successfully implemented collaborative scaling strategies in its growth journey.
This chapter provides a comprehensive guide for leaders and organizations grappling with the challenges of growth. By embracing collaborative scaling, you can navigate these challenges effectively, foster innovation, and position your business for sustainable success.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann

Collaborative Transformation

Chapter 7. Overcoming Corporate Silos
How can companies get their transformation done? Open organizations build collaborative advantage by renewing their capabilities through partnerships and acquisitions in the face of market turbulence and technological changes such as digitalization. This chapter explores effective strategies to break down silos and transmit transformation throughout the organization:
Apply Leadership Rotations to Foster a Unified Vision: Implement leadership rotations to unify diverse departments and teams behind a shared vision, breaking down silos and encouraging collaboration.
Build on Joint Field Trips to Align Departments Behind Transformation: Organize joint field trips that enable departments to better understand one another's challenges and perspectives, aligning them in support of organizational transformation.
Spark a Movement Behind Your Transformation by Connecting Change-Agents: Identify and connect change-agents within the organization to catalyze a movement that actively breaks down silos and encourages collaboration.
Assemble a Diverse Coalition to Increase Adaptability: Create a diverse coalition of stakeholders to enhance adaptability, ensuring that efforts to overcome silos are inclusive and successful.
Combine Internal and External Collaborative Structures: Examine the benefits of merging internal and external collaborative structures to tap into external expertise and enhance collaboration beyond corporate boundaries.
This chapter serves as a comprehensive guide for leaders and organizations seeking to unleash transformation by overcoming corporate silos. By adopting these strategies, you can dismantle barriers to transformation, foster innovation, and promote a more agile and responsive organizational culture in today's interconnected business landscape.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann
Chapter 8. Leveraging Partnerships for Transformation
Partnerships have become a cornerstone of modern business strategy, and they can be powerful catalysts for transformation. This chapter explores the strategies and tactics for leveraging partnerships to drive meaningful transformation:
Apply Collaborative Practices to Maintain Your Advantage as You Grow: Discover how collaborative practices can be applied to sustain your competitive advantage as your organization grows, fostering innovation and adaptability.
Bring Collaborative Practices to New Organizations: Extend the benefits of collaborative practices to new organizations and teams, ensuring that the spirit of collaboration remains at the heart of your transformation efforts.
Combine Autonomy and Synergy to Leverage the Transformation Potential of Acquisitions: Explore how to strike a balance between autonomy and synergy when integrating acquired companies, harnessing their transformation potential.
Ideas for Action: Implement simple but effective practices that can enhance collaboration and drive transformation within your organization. In addition, you can delve into advanced collaborative practices that can take your transformation efforts to new heights, propelling innovation and growth.
Collaborative Transformation in Action: Microsoft: Gain insights into how Microsoft, a global tech giant, has successfully harnessed partnerships for transformative growth.
This chapter serves as a practical guide for leaders and organizations seeking to capitalize on partnerships as drivers of transformation. By adopting these strategies, you can harness the full potential of collaborations, foster innovation, and position your organization for sustainable growth and success in today's rapidly changing business landscape.
Raphael Bömelburg, Oliver Gassmann
Collaborative Advantage
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Raphael Bömelburg
Oliver Gassmann
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