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2023 | Buch

Community Energy in Germany

A Social Science Perspective


Über dieses Buch

In this ground-breaking book, Jörg Radtke offers for the first time within research, a comprehensive insight into the range of organizational structures of community energy projects in Germany and their contribution to the Energiewende. Based on nationwide quantitative survey data and in-depth analyses of selected case studies of solar, wind and geothermal projects, Radtke documents the social structure and motivations of participating citizens. He examines new forms of material participation, community building and co-determination within the mostly volunteer-led community energy projects based on the civic engagement patterns of active “green citizens”. The author identifies a new form of individualistic participation and collective modes of action in line with new types of project-oriented participation between business, politics and civil society within sustainability transformation processes of the early 21st century.


1. Introduction: Community Energy and Democracy
Conceptions and practices of democracy are currently discussed on the one hand under the aspect of threats (Brodocz et al. 2008) and crises (Streeck 2013; Wöhl 2013; Merkel 2015a), predominantly negative diagnoses are theoretically summarized by the catchword of Colin Crouch (2008) as post-democracy and practically promoted by citizen protests (Butzlaff 2016).
Jörg Radtke
2. A Review of the Literature
Participation seems to have become a catchword since the turn of the millennium (age of participation”, see Harles and Lange 2015; participation in the twenty-first century, see Nabatchi and Leighninger 2015; Roberts 2015; Chilvers and Kearnes 2016), a greater (direct) involvement of citizens in decisions and modi operandi in democracy and the promotion of participatory bottom-up activities of citizens seems to represent an overarching consensus (Ullrich et al. 2014; Bentele et al. 2014; Düber et al. 2015). Praxis and research on participation may now look back on more than 40 years of experience in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG).
Jörg Radtke
3. Study Design: Analysis of Community Energy Participation
In this explanation of the research approach, in addition to relevant questions, the methodological approach is described and justified. Current research results and theoretical approaches are taken into account, and the limits of the study are defined.
Jörg Radtke
4. Community Energy Research
“Closing the gap between energy research and modelling, the social sciences, and modern realities” is how Jefferson describes the necessary closing of the gap between (technical and scientific) energy and social science research and real conditions (Jefferson 2014). Despite a long tradition of energy and technology research, renewable energies represent a new challenge for the social sciences (see Groß and Mautz 2014).
Jörg Radtke
5. Methodological Considerations for Data Collection and Analysis
The essential feature of the chosen research design is a mixed methods approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative survey instruments and different procedures and analytical methodologies (see Kuckartz 2014a). At its core, this approach has the following characteristics:
Jörg Radtke
6. Empirical Analysis of Community Energy Projects in Germany
In the following, various case studies are analyzed on the basis of qualitative interview data, which represents different local community energy projects or citizens’ community energy initiatives for community energy.
Jörg Radtke
7. Conclusion: The Essence of Community Energy in Germany
Finally, a special focus should be placed on the specific contexts of democratic processes and modes, as their influence can be considered significant. For the inclusion of citizens, participation, deliberative practices, organizational processes, formation of social capital, etc. all take place at the local level (Roth 1994; Bogumil 1999; Kersting 2004; Mayer 2004; Evers and Roth 2005; van Deth and Tausendpfund 2013; Roth 2013d; pessimistic: Roth 2011d) and emphasize local and intuitive community spirit as a core principle (Wolin 1994; Little 2002; Taylor 2002; Pettit 2008a) as well as the realization of democratic principles in smaller communities and groups (Gastil 1993; List and Pettit 2013).
Jörg Radtke
Community Energy in Germany
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Jörg Radtke
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