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2023 | Book

Advertising Impact and Controlling in Content Marketing

Recognize Impact Mechanisms, Optimize Controlling and Adapt Strategy


About this book

Content marketing is now a firmly established discipline in online marketing. But how exactly does content marketing work? What are the consequences for strategic content planning and what does valid content marketing controlling look like?

This book goes beyond the usual tips on how to implement content marketing by asking what the fundamental effect of content marketing is on companies' customers and prospects. The author not only describes the requirements and procedures for the strategic design of content marketing, but also presents a comprehensive content marketing controlling framework based on the analyzed impact mechanisms.

With this book, marketing managers receive a theoretical foundation of the discipline of content marketing as well as numerous recommendations for successful implementation in companies.

Table of Contents


How Content Marketing Works and Helps to Achieve Marketing Goals

Chapter 1. Basics of Content Marketing
Content marketing is a marketing discipline that has gained increasing importance in recent years and tries to achieve marketing goals with non-advertising, rather editorial-journalistic content. Content marketing is a strategic approach that is implemented on the website, in social media and in various formats.
Thomas Hörner
Chapter 2. Advertising Effectiveness Model of Content Marketing
How can content marketing actually achieve an advertising effect if its content is not advertising-related at all? The advertising effect model of content marketing (which is presented in more detail here) shows that this is possible both on a direct effect path (DCE, Direct Content Effect), e.g. by creating awareness, trust, etc. On the other hand, there is an indirect effect (PCE, Preperatory Content Effect), according to which content marketing can increase the effect of advertising advertising. These effects then also allow for a better definition and clear delimitation of content marketing from other disciplines (such as advertising, journalism, etc.).
Thomas Hörner

Psychological Backgrounds

Chapter 3. Attitudes, Knowledge & Taxonomies as Basic Constructs
Attitudes are a central mental construct in psychology. They are based on various beliefs and knowledge that are organized in hierarchical and non-hierarchical structures in human memory, e.g. in the form of taxonomies that are particularly important for content marketing or as associations. All theses constructs are important basics regarding the advertising effect of content marketing. 
Thomas Hörner
Chapter 4. Changing Attitudes
Marketing and content marketing are supposed to change attitudes. An important theoretical framework for such a change in attitude is the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), which is widely used in psychology, as well as the Heuristic Systematic Model (HSM), which is similar to the ELM. Both assume that attitudes are formed and changed on the one hand by active thinking (conscious cognitive processing of communication content), but also by processes with little cognitive activity (often unconsciously). Thus, these models provide an important psychological basis for how content marketing can achieve its advertising effect.
Thomas Hörner
Chapter 5. How Behavior Arises and Can Be Influenced
Content marketing ultimately wants to influence behavior (in the end, especially purchase behavior). Every type of human behavior arises from an intention to act, which in turn arises from attitudes. But the influence of perceived norms and abilities also comes into play. And the MODE model of psychology also shows how attitudes and motivation shape human behavior. By influencing attitudes, motivation, perceived social norms and perceived abilities, content marketing can ultimately change purchase behavior in the short or long term—and thus contribute to the success of marketing.
Thomas Hörner
Chapter 6. Content Effects Regarding Machines
Content marketing takes place in digital media and therefore has an effect on machines and algorithms in addition to the psychological effect on people. For example, the algorithms of search engines or social media networks. They are the ones who have a major impact on the further dissemination of content marketing content. Therefore, when designing content, in addition to psychological effects, such effects on such Internet algorithms must be taken into account in order to achieve the greatest possible effect.
Thomas Hörner

Designing Effective Content Marketing

Chapter 7. Structured Approach for Topic Finding
Content marketing does not have any directly advertising content. It does not talk about products, brands or companies. The selection of content marketing topics is rather guided by the interests of the customers. Content Marketing informs, helps or entertains in a more editorial-journalistic sense. Suitable topics for content marketing can be found in marketing practice, for example, with the life area association method or the personified product method. Online tools can also support topic finding. Finally, the found topics are selected and prioritized with marketing objectives in mind.
Thomas Hörner
Chapter 8. Designing Effective Content Marketing Posts
Content marketing articles can be designed in various ways to achieve the greatest possible advertising effect. On the one hand, these is the effective design of good arguments that are processed cognitively by recipients. On the one hand, such good arguments must have an appropriate argument structure, on the other hand they must be carried out relationally matched to the target group. On the other hand, it is often unconscious cues that work through heuristic processes and make content marketing more effective. Examples are the targeted use of bullet points, the use of the mere exposure effect from psychology or the effect of expertise. Again, it is important to consider the relational meaning of such cues for content marketing keepingthe great individual diversity of communication recipients in mind and therefore to design the cues in a variety of ways—for the greatest possible overall effect of content marketing.
Thomas Hörner

Controlling in Content Marketing

Chapter 9. Basic Thoughts on Controlling
Controlling is not just about control. That would be a gross misunderstanding. Controlling serves to capture data and to set up processes in order to plan and control content marketing and its advertising effect in a targeted manner. It is important to clearly distinguish between the terms measurement value, key figure, performance indicator (PI) and key performance indicator (KPI) and to set up suitable key figure systems.
Thomas Hörner
Chapter 10. The Content Marketing Controlling Framework
Controlling in content marketing must be more than just measuring page views of content marketing posts on a website or reach in social media. Along the stages of a content production value chain, from its measurement (e.g. quality indicators) to its media placement, a controlling framework can be built up from indicators for the primary cognitive and affective content effects, to indicators for the ultimately desired (again cognitive as well as affective) advertising effect—and then operationalize these indicators for the different channels (e.g. website, Instagram, newsletter, voice assistant, etc.). This requires taking into account a variety of specialist backgrounds both for the interpretation of the indicators and for the implementation of measurement technology and methods.
Thomas Hörner
Advertising Impact and Controlling in Content Marketing
Thomas Hörner
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