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41034 search results for:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 

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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions of IT Hardware

    Every software needs hardware to be run on. Nowadays we encounter urgent need to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. It prompted a paradigm shift towards the development of low carbon dioxide (CO2) emission hardware infrastructure.

    Kamil Hudaszek, Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Saeed Abdullah M. AL-Dobai
    Published in:
    Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy and Sustainability (2024)
  2. 25-05-2024 | Online First

    In situ embedded bismuth nanoparticles among highly porous carbon fibers for efficient carbon dioxide reduction

    Electrocatalysis provides an optimal approach for the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into high-value chemicals, thereby presenting a promising avenue toward achieve carbon neutrality. However, addressing the selectivity and stability …

  3. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Carbon Dioxide Utilization Techniques for Producing Transportation Fuels

    The increase in the fossil fuels used for transport and electrical energy generation and unprecedented growth in the human population have led to a rise in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Of these greenhouse gases, the relative …

    Sindhuja Vaddeboina, Sampath Kumar Puttapati
    Published in:
    From Waste to Wealth (2024)
  4. 01-06-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Synthesis of black titanium dioxide/activated carbon composites for enhanced visible‐light photocatalytic properties

    Black titanium dioxide (B-TiO2) formed by surface disorder engineering has attracted great attention due to the decrease in bandgap width, enhanced visible-light absorption, and various applications in photocatalysis, hydrogen production …

  5. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors from Electricity Generation in Burkina Faso

    Electricity generation is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide (CO2), in the Burkinabe energy sector. Until now, Burkina Faso has used the default emission factors provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on …

    Bernard Nana, Hamadi Zalle, Issoufou Ouarma, Tizane Daho, Arsène Yonli, Antoine Béré
    Published in:
    Advances in Air Quality Research in Africa (2024)
  6. 06-05-2024 | Online First

    Porous polymer beads with grafted poly(tertiary amine) as catalysts for fixation of carbon dioxide into propylene carbonate

    Porous polymer beads with grafted poly(tertiary amine) were prepared by grafting triethylenetetramine to porous crosslinked poly(methyl acrylate) beads via ester amidation reaction, followed by Eschweiler–Clarke methylation reaction using …

  7. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Carbon Dioxide Active Remote Sensing Using Pulsed 2-µm Lidar

    A pulsed 2-mm Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar was developed at NASA Langley Research Center for high-accuracy and high-precision measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). The instrument targets the R30 CO2 absorption …

    Tamer F. Refaat, Upendra N. Singh
    Published in:
    Space-based Lidar Remote Sensing Techniques and Emerging Technologies (2024)
  8. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Large-Scale Recycling of Carbon: Carbon Dioxide as Source of Carbon

    Stepping Away from Fossil Carbon by Implementing the Carbon Cyclic Economy

    Carbon dioxide can be used as building block for chemicals or source of carbon for energy products (fuels). The latter have a market that is over fifteen times that of chemicals and are, thus, of greater interest for the large-scale implementation …

    Michele Aresta
    Published in:
    Advances in CO2 Utilization (2024)
  9. 14-05-2024 | Online First

    Exploring the potential of lignin extracted with natural deep eutectic solvents for adsorption of carbon dioxide

    The utilization of natural deep eutectic solvents in the extraction of lignin presents a promising sustainable approach for biorefineries. While lignin extracted with NADES has been utilized in various applications, there is a lack of research on …

  10. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon Dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) Status and Progress

    Spaceborne lidar is an important instrument to measure the global atmospheric CO2 column concentrations and aerosol profiles with high accuracy. Atmospheric environment monitoring satellite (AEMS, also named as DQ-1) Aerosol and Carbon dioxide

    Weibiao Chen, Jiqiao Liu, Xia Hou, Huaguo Zang, Yuan Wan, Xiaopeng Zhu, Xiuhua Ma, Dijun Chen, Rui Li
    Published in:
    Space-based Lidar Remote Sensing Techniques and Emerging Technologies (2024)
  11. 05-03-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Insights on the Highly Stable and Coke-Resistant Nickel/Zirconia Nanocatalyst for the Methanation of Carbon Dioxide

    The heat treatment condition has been known to have significant influence on the catalysts applied in high-temperature application. In this work, after studying the effect of Ni loading on ZrO2 in CO2 methanation reaction, the effect of …

  12. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Recovery System for Potential Application in the European Cement Industry

    The paper focuses on the potential application of supercritical CO2 (sCO2) power cycle for waste heat-to-power systems in cement industries. The reference power cycle is based on the CO2OLHEAT (G.A. 101022831) European project, which includes the …

    G. Cevolani, G. Messina, C. Salvini, A. Giovannelli
    Published in:
    Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy (2024)
  13. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Adsorption Contact Time Effect of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Using Rice-Straw Biochar on Biogas Performance

    Biogas purification should be done to enrich methane composition in biogas. The technology to enrich methane composition is by removing carbon dioxide as impurity gas. The effect of carbon dioxide adsorption in biogas has been investigated. In …

    Ambar Pertiwiningrum, Ray Sandy Mahesaputra, Andang Widi Harto, Margaretha Arnita Wuri, Widyawati Luhur Pambudi, Alva Edy Tontowi
    Published in:
    Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (3rd Edition) (2024)
  14. 22-05-2024 | Online First

    Influence of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Assisted Polyamide Acid Modification of Aramid Fibers on the Properties of Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Styrene Butadiene Rubber

    Modified aramid fibers (AFs) were prepared through grafting modification of polyamide acid (PAA) assisted by supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). The scCO2-assisted diffusion, penetration, and grafting reaction of PAA not only enhanced the graft …

  15. 12-03-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Reactivity of carbon dioxide during pyrolysis of paper-plastic composite

    Composite materials have been widely used because of their superior properties compared to those of the original material. Separation of the constituent materials is not easy in the recycling process, and such an effort lowers economic viability.

  16. 27-03-2024 | Online First

    Investigating the relationship between economic growth, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: a comparative analysis of South Asian nations and G-7 countries

    This study provides a novel perspective for examining the relationship between economic growth, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by comparing developing countries, particularly those in the South Asian region, with developed …

  17. 28-04-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Study of the Effect of Acid Number on the Interfacial Tension Between Carbon Dioxide and Different Combinations of Diesel Fuel and Gasoline at Different Pressures

    The process of injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) into oil reservoirs involves intricate interactions between the reservoir’s hydrocarbons and CO2, resulting in changes to various physiochemical properties such as interfacial tension (IFT) between …

  18. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Numerical Analysis of Rotating Zigzag Bed Separator in Cryogenic Condition for Removing Carbon Dioxide

    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that occurs naturally, but since the industrial revolution, the quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by roughly 50%. This increase in CO2 changes the earth’s climate. Carbon capture and storage …

    Deevikthiran Jeevaraj, Mohd Fadzil Ali Ahmad, Asyiqin Imran
    Published in:
    Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics (2024)
  19. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Determination of the Dispersion of Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides from Selected Production Plants Along Thika Road and Mombasa Road in Nairobi County Kenya

    Uncontrolled air pollution leads to climate change and contributes significantly to the health burden thus slowing down economic growth. In this paper, air-dispersion modelling has been studied as a viable technique to effectively predict the …

    Jermaine O. Omulami, Patrick K. Tum, Rachael E. N. Njogu, Dickson M. Andala, George Oindo Achieng’
    Published in:
    Advances in Air Quality Research in Africa (2024)
  20. 27-03-2024 | Online First

    Surface Modification of Activated Carbon Fibers for the Adsorption Capture of Carbon Dioxide in Flue Gas

    Tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA) and K2CO3 were utilized as modifiers to optimize the surface properties of ACFs and enhance their CO2 adsorption performance. The results show that the TEPA modification leads to an increase in the nitrogen content …

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