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31958 search results for:

Fuel Injection 

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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Modelling Spray in GDI Engines: Fuel Injection Modelling

    Conventional spark ignition engines that use gasoline for ignition typically require a mixture to be prepared by the carburettor. Port fuel injection systems allow for fuel injection into the engine’s intake port, which then passes through the …

    Srinivasa Krishna Addepalli, J. M. Mallikarjuna
    Published in:
    Modelling Spark Ignition Combustion (2024)
  2. 01-02-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Injection, Mixing and Auto-ignition of E-fuels for Compression Ignition Engines

    In order to achieve the best engine efficiencies while minimizing pollutant emissions, the physical and chemical behavior of liquid hydrocarbons from renewable energies during their mixture formation and combustion must be understood. In the FVV …

  3. 07-02-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Influence of liquid-fuel swirl injection pressure on the flow dynamics characteristics in a lean direct injection gas turbine combustor using Eulerian-Lagrangian large eddy simulations

    The effect of the injection pressure on the dynamic flow characteristics of a lean direct injection gas turbine combustor under nonreactive conditions during liquid fuel atomization was investigated. The location of the internal recirculation …

  4. 14-02-2024 | Online First

    Simulation Study on the Impact of Injection Strategies on the Performance of Methanol–Gasoline Dual-Fuel Engines

    Methanol is favored for its excellent physicochemical properties, becoming an ideal alternative fuel for engines. Adopting a dual-fuel injection mode of methanol port injection and gasoline direct injection (MPI + GDI) allows for more flexible …

  5. 08-01-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Fuel injection rate variation of a piezoelectric injector according to the charge current patterns

    The effects of charge current patterns on the injected fuel mass per stroke (IFMPS) were investigated. The charge and discharge currents supplied to a piezo injector are basically controlled by the peak and hold method. The hold current is …

  6. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Fuel Injection Location on Combustion Characteristics in a Trapped Vortex Combustor

    The present work focuses on the numerical simulations of non-reactive and reactive cases in a trapped vortex combustor. Numerical simulations are carried out in ANSYS FLUENT to analyze the effects of fuel injection locations on mixing and …

    S. Subramanian, M. Chindesh, K. M. Parammasivam
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems (2024)
  7. 04-07-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Simulation of microalgae oil spray characteristics for mechanical fuel injection and CRDI systems

    A possibility of obtaining the micro- and macroparameters of a microalgae oil spray very similar to that of a diesel fuel as well as of ensuring the good level of their correspondence within a wide range of injection pressures distinct from …

  8. 12-12-2023 | Online First

    The Effects of EGR and Oxygen Content on the GCI Engine Performance Under Two-Injection Modes and Fueled Biodiesel Blends

    When compared to other internal combustion engine types (SI engine, CI engine), the gasoline compression ignition engine (GCI engine) offers a promising and efficient way to enhance heat efficiency and less harmful emissions. The development of …

  9. 06-10-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Development of a fast-stabilized fuel injection system using a solenoid actuator

    A new fuel injection system with a solenoid actuator was developed to reduce jet stabilization times and was compared to a conventional fuel injection system using a fast-acting valve. The jet stabilization time was examined from free-jet images …

  10. 10-01-2023 | OriginalPaper

    A methodology for regulating fuel stratification and improving fuel economy of GCI mode via double main-injection strategy

    Gasoline compression ignition (GCI) combustion faces problems such as high maximum pressure rise rate (MPRR) and combustion deterioration at high loads. This paper aims to improve the engine performance of the GCI mode by regulating concentration …

  11. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Liebherr’s Approach to Hydrogen Fuel Injection Systems

    Liebherr develops hydrogen fuel injection system solutions to be used in on- and off-highway hydrogen combustions engines. Heavy-duty off-highway applications have partly different requirements compared to on-highway applications. Robustness …

    Richard Pirkl, Mario D’Onofrio, Lydia Kapusta, Dennis Herrmann
    Published in:
    Heavy-Duty-, On- und Off-Highway-Motoren 2022 (2023)
  12. 01-10-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Implementation of a Non-Surfactant Water-in-Diesel Emulsion Fuel in a Common Rail Direct Injection Diesel Vehicle

    Water-in-diesel emulsion fuel has become a popular alternative fuel for diesel engines. The main limitation is related to its stability, whereby it relies heavily on surfactants to remain homogeneous, therefore causing production costs to rise.

  13. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Assessment of a Direct-Injection, Spark-Ignited, Hydrogen-Fuelled Heavy-Duty Engine

    Hydrogen-fuelled internal combustion engines (ICE) offer a zero-carbon fuel option for many ICE applications. As part of a global interest to characterise and study the behavior of hydrogen fuel in existing ICE applications Ricardo is …

    John Hughes, David Bennet, Angela Loiudice, Nicholas Coles, Trevor Downes, Agam Saroop, Richard Penning, Lukáš Valenta, Peter Rabanser, Jonathan Davis, Jackson Harvey-Bush, Alvaro Concepcion Calero, Richard Osborne, Penny Atkins, Roger Allcorn, Nigel Fox
    Published in:
    Heavy-Duty-, On- und Off-Highway-Motoren 2022 (2023)
  14. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    3D-CFD Full Engine Simulation of Post-Oxidation by Means of Secondary Air Injection

    The current and future development of internal combustion engines must face several challenges related to the upcoming new emissions regulations. For the design of new low-emission concepts, cold start conditions are of crucial importance.

    Mario Pipolo, André Casal Kulzer, Marco Chiodi, Madan Kumar, Yasuo Moriyoshi
    Published in:
    23. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium (2023)
  15. 05-04-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Impact of Combined Effects of Injection Pressure and EGR on Modified Stationary Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel Blend Made of Waste Feedstock Oils

    The aim of this present work was to investigate the combined effects of injection pressure and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on the combustion, performance and emission characteristics in a modified stationary diesel engine. Biodiesel blend …

  16. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Emission Characteristics of Fine Particles from Different Fuel Injection Mode Vehicles

    In this paper, six light-duty gasoline vehicles meeting China VI emission standard were selected for cold start Worldwide Light-duty Test Cycle (WLTC) tests, including two vehicles with Port Fuel Injection (PFI), two vehicles with Gasoline Direct …

    Qiyuan Xie, Fengbin Wang, Xintong Li, Ke Zhang, Jinlong Zheng, Shulin Lai, Mingzhi Zhang
    Published in:
    Proceedings of China SAE Congress 2022: Selected Papers (2023)
  17. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Impact of Wall Fuel and Air Injections Inside the Parallel Fuel Injection-Based Scramjet Combustor: A Numerical Analysis

    Air breathing engines (Scramjet) are taking more attention in the current research era because of its weight to thrust ratio. Brayton cycle is used to complete the thermodynamic processes just like other gas turbine engines. The engine consumes …

    Kumari Ambe Verma, Kaushal Kumar Sharma, Krishna Murari Pandey
    Published in:
    Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (2023)
  18. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Experimental Research of 500 bar Ultra-high-pressure Fuel Injection System for Gasoline Direct Injection Engine

    The characteristics of 500 bar ultra-high-pressure fuel injection system was studied on a 1.5 L gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine, the comparison of gaseous and particulate emissions and fuel consumption under cooled and hot engine conditions …

    Yajun Zhang, Chuanhui Cheng, Zheng Xu
    Published in:
    Proceedings of China SAE Congress 2021: Selected Papers (2023)
  19. 01-02-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of Excessive Air Ratio on Hydrogen-fueled Spark Ignition Engine with High Compression Ratio Using Direct Injection System toward Higher Brake Power and Thermal Efficiency

    Hydrogen is advantageous for use in internal combustion engines (ICEs) because of its high laminar flame speed and carbon-neutral characteristics. However, because of its low minimum ignition energy, abnormal combustions such as back-fire …

  20. 01-06-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Application of steam injection in iron ore sintering: fuel combustion efficiency and CO emissions

    Improving the combustion efficiency of fuels is essential to reducing pollutant emissions in the iron ore sintering process. The sintering bed surface steam-injection technology has attracted significant research interest for its potential …

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