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16594 search results for:

Plug-in Hybrid 

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  1. 29-05-2024 | Online First

    Reinforcing smart grid integrity: an enhanced cybersecurity framework for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

    PHEVs offer significant advantages in terms of reducing carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels, making them increasingly popular in the transition towards sustainable energy sources. However, their integration introduces vulnerabilities to …

  2. 20-10-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Microgrid operational energy management with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles charging demand

    Due to increasing load demand and the energy crisis, microgrids (MGs) have attracted more attention. The idea and technology of microgrids (MGs) have undergone significant advancements largely aimed at enabling the automation of distribution …

  3. 01-02-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Elektrifizierter Hinterachsantrieb für Hochleistungs-Plug-in-Hybridfahrzeuge

    Die elektrische Antriebsstrangtechnologie von American Axle & Manufacturing treibt das erste Plug-in-Hybridfahrzeug von AMG an, den Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance. AAM liefert den elektrifizierten Hinterachsantrieb, der zusammen mit dem …

  4. 01-02-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Electric Rear Axle Drive Unit for High-performance Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

    American Axle & Manufacturing's electric powertrain technology powers AMG's first plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, the Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance. AAM supplies the electric drive unit for the rear axle, which together with the combustion …

  5. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Fast Chargers for Plug-In Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

    This chapter introduces the technical background of fast chargers for plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles, including technique development for on-board chargers and fast charging stations, standard, regulations, and future trends. The development …

    Chris Mi, Siqi Li, Sizhao Lu
    Published in:
    Emerging Technologies for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (2024)
  6. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Multivariable Visualization Tool of the Performance of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Buses

    The main objective of the European Green Deal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Among the many challenges it implies, the decarbonization of cities must be accomplished. Although electric vehicles are the long-term solution for eradicating …

    Jose Miguel Aragón-Jurado, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Patricia Ruiz
    Published in:
    Advances in Design Engineering IV (2024)
  7. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Simulation und Validierung verschiedener Batteriezellen für Batterie- und Plug-in-Hybrid-Elektrofahrzeuge

    Aus Sicht der Kunden sind eine hohe Sicherheit, eine hohe Kapazität und eine schnelle Lademöglichkeit wesentliche Anforderungen an ein Elektrofahrzeug. Aus technischer Sicht ergeben sich daraus sehr anspruchsvolle Anforderungen an das …

    Stanislaw Rybak, Andreas Viehmann
    Published in:
    Experten-Forum Powertrain: Komponenten und Kompetenzen zukünftiger Antriebe 2022 (2023)
  8. 24-10-2023 | Plug-in-Hybrid | Fragen + Antworten | Article

    Das sollten Sie über Plug-in-Hybride wissen

    Von den einen geschätzt, von den anderen verschmäht: Plug-in-Hybride. Was ist dran an der Debatte um die Daseinsberechtigung des PHEV? Wir haben die wichtigsten Information zur Plug-in-Hybridtechnik zusammengestellt.    

  9. 15-02-2016 | Plug-in-Hybrid | Topic page


  10. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Simulation Optimum Performance All-Wheels Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

    This article presents a unique configuration for the future development of the all-wheel drive (AWD) plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), which has a mechanical connection to both the front and rear axles. The control methodology is designed …

    Salem Al-Assadi
    Published in:
    Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Autonomy (2023)
  11. 01-06-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Energy Management Strategy of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Considering Thermal Characteristics

    In order to explore the influence of the thermal management system (TMS) on vehicle energy management and tap the energy saving potential of TMS, this study establishes a vehicle energy management strategy control model oriented to reduce energy …

  12. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Plug-in Hybrid und die Fehlanreize bei Firmenwagen

    Die Gesellschaft hat es sich zur wichtigen Aufgabe gemacht, im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung auch die nachhaltige Mobilität der Menschen fortzuentwickeln. Diese setzt sich aus dem öffentlichen Personenverkehr und dem privaten sowie …

    Roland Vogt, Timo Mörtl
    Published in:
    Towards the New Normal in Mobility (2023)
  13. Open Access 24-11-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Intelligent power management based on multi-objective cost function for plug-in biogas hybrid vehicles under uncertain driving conditions

    This paper presents a new intelligent power management strategy based on multi-objective cost function for plug-in biogas hybrid vehicles (PBHVs). This strategy consists of long-term power management and a short-term controller. The long-term …

  14. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Observations on the Driving of Plug-In Hybrid Cars in Real-World Conditions

    Sustainable mobility requires a clean and decarbonised road transport sector. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) stand as an appealing transitional solution for mitigating transport emissions due to their reduced lifetime Fuel Consumption …

    Jaime Suarez, Andres Laverde, Alessandro Tansini, Markos A. Ktistakis, Dimitrios Komnos, Georgios Fontaras
    Published in:
    Smart Energy for Smart Transport (2023)
  15. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Robust Energy Management of Virtual Energy Hub Considering Intelligent Parking Lots for the Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    Energy systems transitions have faced a big challenge with the advent of multi-energy systems. Smart grid and virtual energy hub (VEH) concepts provide the opportunity for the integration of multiple energy carriers with electrical energy. A VEH …

    Vahid Vahidinasab, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Mohammad Seyfi, Mehdi Mehdinejad, Heidarali Shayanfar
    Published in:
    Energy Systems Transition (2023)
  16. 01-11-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Leichtbau von Tragfedern für Plug-in-Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeuge

    Höchstfeste, gradierte Federstähle ermöglichen die Kaltformgebung von Schraubendruckfedern für klassische Fahrzeugachsen. Damit bieten sie eine hohe Materialausnutzung für den Einsatz bei schweren Pkw und leichten Nutzfahrzeugen. 

  17. 17-11-2022 | Plug-in-Hybrid | Nachricht | Article

    Neuer Toyota Prius kommt 2023 als Plug-in-Hybrid auf den Markt

    Toyota hat die fünfte Generation seines Hybrid-Modells Prius vorgestellt. In Deutschland ist der Toyota Prius nur mit der neuen Generation des Plug-in-Hybridabtriebs erhältlich.

  18. 01-11-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Lightweight Design of Suspension Springs for Plug-in Hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicles

    Exceptions are air spring systems for premium segments as well as leaf spring rear axles in

  19. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Review of Energy Management Strategies in Plug-in Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

    As a step toward a pollution-free environment, governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are moving toward cleaner means of transportation. A lot of tailpipe emissions occur in a conventional internal combustion engine. One solution to these …

    J. Rohith, G. T. Mahesha
    Published in:
    Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles (2023)
  20. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Optimization-Based Speed Control Strategies for Induction Motor Drives in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Quasi-Opposition Harmony Search Algorithm

    The optimization-based speed control schemes are extraordinarily utilized and applied in induction machine drives rather than vector and scalar control for their dependability and long-lasting capability, and low support cost. Considering reaction …

    Anish Kumar, Niranjan Kumar, Amitesh Prakash
    Published in:
    Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies (2023)

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