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2021 | Buchreihe

Financial Mathematics and Fintech

Financial Mathematics and Fintech

7 Jahrgänge | 2021 - 2023


​This series addresses the emerging advances in mathematical theory related to finance and application research from all the fintech perspectives. It is a series of monographs and contributed volumes focusing on the in-depth exploration of financial mathematics such as applied mathematics, statistics, optimization, and scientific computation, and fintech applications such as artificial intelligence, block chain, cloud computing, and big data. This series is featured by the comprehensive understanding and practical application of financial mathematics and fintech. This book series involves cutting-edge applications of financial mathematics and fintech in practical programs and companies.
The Financial Mathematics and Fintech book series promotes the exchange of emerging theory and technology of financial mathematics and fintech between academia and financial practitioner. It aims to provide a timely reflection of the state of art in mathematics and computer science facing to the application of finance. As a collection, this book series provides valuable resources to a wide audience in academia, the finance community, government employees related to finance and anyone else looking to expand their knowledge in financial mathematics and fintech.
The key words in this series include but are not limited to:
a) Financial mathematicsb) Fintechc) Computer scienced) Artificial intelligencee) Big data