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2022 | Buch

How COVID-19 Reshapes New World Order: Political Economy Perspective


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This timely book explores economic, political, social, and cultural impacts of the COVID-19. It aims to reveal a future world shaped by the worldwide pandemic.

The main content of this book is divided into 5 parts: the pandemic—a short sketch of the pandemic through 2020, the acceleration of the global power transition: from East to West, comparison between authoritarian and democratic in the pandemic era, global international organizations under the COVID-19 influence, and regional international organizations under the COVID-19 influence. In addition, this book also analyzes the impacts from two aspects: the changes of the world order and the repercussions for international organizations and globalization. Three questions will be focused: How the pandemic has changed the existing world order? What the new post-pandemic world order will be? How international cooperation has been affected and will be affected?

This book is a comprehensive study that investigates the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the political implication on international organizations. It would not only inspire readers to think about impacts of the outbreak of COVID-19 from economic and political perspectives, but also encourage readers to have a deeper understanding of the global political pattern and potential changes of world order after the pandemic. Therefore, the intended readership not only includes the academics but also includes pro-academics. The academic audiences include university and college scholars (especially those majoring in history, political sciences, economics, and international relations), teachers, and administrative staff at the undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. levels, as well as study centers and research institutes and campus and public libraries. The pro-academic groups include civil servants, especially scholarly bureaucrats and technocrats; white collar and middle-class citizens interested in reading, especially those interested in and concerned about current affairs; and international business elites.

The most important feature of this book is that it points out the COVID-19 pandemic has been shaping the world order. It also shows in the coming post-pandemic world, the United States would maintain the position of superpower while the still rising China is likely to share some responsibilities in constructing a new multi-polar world with US and other powers. The prevailing of unilateralism will heavily constrain the role of international organizations.


Chapter 1. Unprecedented Times: The COVID-19 Pandemic that Swept the World
The year 2020 was dominated by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and many countries worldwide are experiencing second or third waves of COVID-19 cases as the weather becomes colder during the winter of 2021. In such a circumstance, this book chronicles the pandemic evolvement in 2020 at the beginning.
Li Sheng
Chapter 2. The Acceleration of the Global Power Transition: From West to East
Throughout history, human beings have faced the threats of various viruses and diseases, and pandemics have had a tremendous impact on the development and evolution of history.
Li Sheng
Chapter 3. Comparison Between Authoritarian and Democratic Countries in the Pandemic Era
A wide body of literature has long debated the pros and cons of democracy and authoritarian regimes. Democracy, with its openness and diversity, has been regarded as an ideal form of government.
Li Sheng
Chapter 4. Global International Organizations Under the COVID-19 Influence
In this chapter, we analyze the performance of global international organizations in the COVID-19 era. Three of the most influential global international organizations in politics, health, and economy, namely, the U.N., the WHO, and the WTO, respectively, are selected for case studies. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it is urgent for the whole world to have a strong method of organization to take a leadership role in fighting the virus. Therefore, multilateral regimes are supposed to function and be strengthened under the background of a global crisis. However, such regimes are dysfunctional and even undermined by reemerging unilateralism worldwide.
Li Sheng
Chapter 5. Regional International Organizations Under the COVID-19 Influence
Regional organizations are also being strongly impacted as COVID-19 spreads around the world. This chapter discusses three typical regional organizations, the EU, the NATO, and the ASEAN. These significant regional organizations not only play an important role in the integration of geopolitical concepts in their geographic regions, such as internal cooperation in aspects of politics, economy, and social culture, but also influence changes and the implementation of the world order as a non-negligible element in international relations, such as some organizations (NATO) that are political and military alliances with common essential and enduring purposes, or common values of ideology and goals (liberty, democracy, equal rights and so on) that actively promote foreign military and political processes as a whole to foreshadow or solve crises and safeguard the freedom and security of their members.
Li Sheng
Chapter 6. Concluding Remarks
Today, the world has entered into an unknown new era of deglobalization, one that profoundly reshapes the landscape of global economy, international politics, and international organization. In the wake of the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic, the year 2020 has definitely been a turning point in world history. Rival ideologies, power blocs, leaders, and institutions are being stress-tested in the court of world opinion.
Li Sheng
How COVID-19 Reshapes New World Order: Political Economy Perspective
verfasst von
Prof. Li Sheng
Springer Singapore
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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