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5602 search results for:

Transport Turnaround 

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  1. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Public Mobility and a New Mobility Culture: Foundations, Developments and Paths to a Cultural Transport Turnaround

    This chapter deals with new mobility cultures and their significance for public mobility from a cultural-theoretical perspective. If the goal of transport planning and policy is to make it possible for every citizen to participate in society, but …

    Maximilian Hoor
    Published in:
    Public Mobility (2023)
  2. 21-05-2024 | Hydrogen | News | Article

    Toyota Establishes Hydrogen Center

    Center for fuel cell technology: Toyota's development center in California is now the "North American Hydrogen Headquarters".

  3. 15-05-2024 | Transport Turnaround | News | Article

    How Can the Mobility Turnaround Succeed?

    Almost 80 % of passenger transport is currently accounted for by private transport, so enormous savings could be made here, for example by switching to alternative transport concepts.

  4. 08-05-2024 | Micro Mobility | In the Spotlight | Article

    How Sustainable Is Micromobility?

    Micromobility is a useful addition to cars and public transport. E-bikes, e-scooters and the like are becoming increasingly common, especially in cities. But what is their environmental footprint?

  5. 18-04-2024 | Automated Driving | News | Article

    Tesla Announces Presentation of a Robotaxi

    Elon Musk has been promising highly automated Teslas for years, but so far it has remained an assistance system. Now he finally wants to demonstrate a robotaxi in August.

  6. 08-04-2024 | Electrification | In the Spotlight | Article

    Energy Transition: Direct or Indirect Electrification?

    Accordingly, politicians and companies are called upon to enable a broad, technology-open mix of solutions for the de-fossilization of the transport sector.

  7. 12-03-2024 | Battery | In the Spotlight | Article

    Battery Factories Are a Billion-Euro Opportunity for Machine Builders

    Numerous battery factories are to be built worldwide - which in turn need to be equipped with production technology. An opportunity worth billions if Europe's mechanical engineering companies make the right use of it. 

  8. 28-03-2024 | Automated Driving | News | Article

    Nissan Launches Autonomous Mobility Service

    Nissan launches pilot tests for autonomous driving in Japan. The car manufacturer wants to commercialize its highly automated mobility services there.

  9. 20-03-2024 | Automated Driving | News | Article

    Scaling Automated Driving for the Mass Market

    Sustainable Urban Mobility  In his keynote speech "Sustainable Urban Mobility Frankfurt (SUMP): Opportunities and Risks of Autonomous Vehicles", Heiko Nickel, Head of Strategic Transport Planning at the City of Frankfurt am Main, looked at automated driving from the perspective of strategic transport planning.

  10. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Prioritizing the Factors Leading to Carbon Footprint Neutrality in Indian Logistics Operation Toward Net-Zero Emission: An AHP Approach

    The advent of technology and economic development has led to environmental degradation on various fronts. Today’s economic development is largely driven by the efficient and effective logistics and supply chain operation which yields implicit …

    Sameer Shekhar, Shahbaz Khan, Sweta Leena Hota, K. K. Muhammad Najeeb
    Published in:
    Net Zero Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Value Creation (2024)
  11. 26-04-2024 | Online First

    The dynamic stochastic container drayage problem with truck appointment scheduling

    In this work, a stochastic dynamic version of the container drayage problem is studied. The presented model incorporates uncertainty in the form of stochastic loading and unloading times at both terminals and customers, as well as stochastic …

  12. 15-03-2024 | Drivetrain | Interview | Article

    "We Should not Focus Solely on BEVs"

    Thomas Müller, Executive Vice President Powertrain Systems at IAV, talks in an interview about developments in the areas of batteries and electric drives. However, the combustion engine and open-technology development are also of great importance.

  13. 12-03-2024 | Battery | Questions + Answers | Article

    What You Need to Know About Battery Swapping

    The Chinese electric car manufacturer Nio is now also operating its stations for automated battery swapping in Europe. Swapping instead of charging is the motto. What's behind the concept? Everything you need to know at a glance.

  14. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Identification and Exploitation of Sustainability Potentials in One’s Own Value Chain and in the System of Value Chains

    To achieve sustainability in a company, the entire value chain must be aligned with the circular economy. This can be facilitated by anchoring it in a system of value chains. For sustainable companies, a multitude of action options are available.

    Ralf T. Kreutzer
    Published in:
    The Path to Sustainable Corporate Management (2024)
  15. 28-02-2024 | Internal Combustion Engine | News | Article

    The Dogmatic Path to E-mobility Shifts the Problem

    How can CO2 emissions be reduced in the transport and energy sectors? What is important now was the topic of the panel discussion at the 11th International Engine Congress.

  16. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Beyond Future Skills: Developing Company Personas in Disruptive Transformation Processes

    The labor market in Germany is characterized by far-reaching transformation processes: digitization and AI are changing work and qualification requirements, the mobility turnaround with the departure from the combustion engine is making entire …

    Monika Pröbster, Jochen Ehrenreich, Günter Käßer-Pawelka, Nicola Marsden
    Published in:
    Human-Computer Interaction (2024)
  17. 29-08-2023 | Engineering + Development | In the Spotlight | Article

    High Risk for 46 Percent of Raw Materials

    The energy turnaround, the transport turnaround and the restructuring of industry are not making it any easier for companies to procure raw materials. The German Raw Materials Agency's Dera Raw Materials List 2023 helps assess the risks.

  18. Open Access 26-05-2024 | Online First

    Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion of ATI C103TM Refractory Alloy

    The study investigated the use of electron beam powder bed fusion (EB-PBF) to fabricate niobium ATI C103™ alloy articles for microstructural characterization and mechanical testing. The feedstock powder was consolidated into low-porosity articles …

  19. Open Access 22-05-2024 | Online First

    Polymer 3D printing in perspective: Assessing challenges and opportunities in industrial translation against the metal benchmark

    Additive manufacturing is swiftly transitioning from a prototyping tool to a useful technology for industrial-scale manufacturing. As global industries seek to harness its potential, several 3D printing technologies have been successfully …

  20. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Towards AI-Driven Transport and Logistics

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed widespread adoption across various organizational domains, including transport & logistics, wherein its applications range from driver assistance to parcel sorting and inventory planning to many more. The …

    Amandeep Dhaliwal
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation in the Viral Age (2024)

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