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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Combustion Characteristics of Water-In-Diesel (WD) and Ethanol-In-Diesel Droplets

    The impactImpact of water content on burning rate and secondary atomization in emulsion droplets is not well understood. Studies suggest that higher water content may lead to increased burning rates, but the reasons behind this are unclear.

    Syazuan Hykal Badrul Hisham, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rasid, Noreffendy Tamaldin, Mahanum Mohd Zamberi, Yang Zhang
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (2024)
  2. 29-05-2024 | Betriebsstoffe | Schlagzeile | Article

    HVO-Diesel ab jetzt erhältlich

    Ab dem 29.05.2024 darf der klimaschonende HVO100-Diesel an den Tankstellen in Deutschland verkauft werden. 

  3. 17-01-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Reduction of Emissions in Diesel Engine Using Blended Diesel with Edible Bran Oil

    Compared to other internal combustion engines, the diesel engine contributes a considerable part in air pollution; especially by emission of sulfur oxides (SOx) along with oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbon (HC); those …

  4. 23-05-2024 | Betriebsstoffe | Gastbeitrag | Article

    So fährt sich ein Diesel-Pkw mit HVO100

    Die Dichte ist nur 6 % niedriger als bei normalem Diesel.

  5. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Preliminary Study of Exhaust Gas Characterization in Water-in-Diesel Emulsion (WDE) Fuel Combustion

    Indonesia as one of the largest producers of biofuel raw materials has implemented the use of B-30 fuel in commercial dieselDiesel vehicles. However, the development of environmentally friendly technologies to minimize greenhouse gas emissions is …

    Marjono, Dwi Aries Himawanto, Budi Santoso, Miftah Hijriawan, Ilham Wahyu Kuncoro
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (2024)
  6. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Research on the Impact of Ambient Temperature on Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle NOx Emissions

    The main source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution has been identified as diesel-powered vehicles. The results of the analysis of remote sensing device (RSD) data from 25,853 heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) in Chengdu show that ambient …

    Linwei Liao
    Published in:
    Environmental Governance, Ecological Remediation and Sustainable Development (2024)
  7. Open Access 01-06-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Shape/penetration analysis and comparisons of isolated spray plumes in a multi-hole Diesel spray

    Fuel injection systems significantly impact the combustion process and play a key role in reducing harmful exhaust emissions in internal combustion engines. For dual-fuel (DF) engines operating in gas mode, ignition of the main fuel is typically …

  8. Open Access 04-06-2024 | Online First

    Challenges and Solutions to Meet the Euro 7 NOx Emission Requirements for Diesel Light-Duty Commercial Vehicles

    The improvement of air quality requires a further reduction of pollutant emissions, especially in urban areas. The Euro 7 regulations aim at the development of a new generation of internal combustion engine vehicles capable of achieving ultra-low …

  9. 16-09-2016 | Dieselgate | Topic page


  10. 21-07-2016 | Dieselmotor | Topic page


  11. 16-04-2024 | Online First

    Feasibility of Waste Fat Chicken Biodiesel–Diesel Blend in Modern Common-Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) Turbocharged Diesel Engine: A Potential Study of Saudi Arabia

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is facing extreme gas emissions challenges in the energy and transport sector. So, it is always preferred to use fuels that should be derived from waste to energy resources that are available abundantly without …

  12. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Aspect Ratio in a Diesel Injector Using Diesel and Diesel–Ethanol Blend

    In direct injection diesel engines, spray optimization greatly enhances efficiency and low emissions combustion. The flow inside an injector impacts the process of spray, combustion, and exhaust. The nozzle shape and spray determine the …

    Aiswarya A. Satheesan, Nikhil Prasad, Nevin Nelson, S. Niranjan, Anjan R. Nair
    Published in:
    Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 4 (2024)
  13. 03-05-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Sample generation method for marine diesel engines based on FEM simulation and DCGAN

    The healthy and stable operation of the ship’s power system is the foundation for the normal navigation of a ship. Data-driven ship power system condition monitoring is currently one of the research directions, but such methods often require a …

  14. 01-04-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis Based on Convolutional Autoencoder Using Vibration Signals

    A diesel engine powers large-scale mechanical systems such as ships and nuclear power plants. As the engine is the core of the system, maintaining its good working conditions is crucial to ensuring overall system efficiency. However, because of …

  15. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Steuerung und Regelung des Dieselmotors

    Das Diesel-Verbrennungsverfahren erfordert prinzipbedingt eine Kraftstoffeinspritzung in den Brennraum. Moderne Dieselmotoren arbeiten mit direkter Einspritzung; die Zylinder haben eine gemeinsame Hochdruckpumpe und einen ständig unter hohem Druck …

    Robert Bosch GmbH
    Published in:
    Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch (2024)
  16. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Investigation of Coconut Methyl Ester (CME)-Palm Oil Methyl Ester (POME)-Diesel Blends Volatility

    A poorer combustion quality of biodiesel compared to diesel fuel has led to a low cylinder pressure of compression ignition engines, increased fuel consumption, and reduced fuel efficiency. Most of the biodiesel boiling point curves are almost …

    Natalina Damanik, Iswan Prahastono, Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja, Iman Kartolaksono Reksowardojo, Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman, Handrea Bernando Tambunan
    Published in:
    Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy (2024)
  17. 28-04-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Study of the Effect of Acid Number on the Interfacial Tension Between Carbon Dioxide and Different Combinations of Diesel Fuel and Gasoline at Different Pressures

    The process of injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) into oil reservoirs involves intricate interactions between the reservoir’s hydrocarbons and CO2, resulting in changes to various physiochemical properties such as interfacial tension (IFT) between …

  18. 24-02-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Performance and Emission of Non-surfactant Water-in-Diesel Emulsion Fuel Using Light-Duty Trucks on Urban Road Conditions

    In road transport, varying fuel flow rates make it hard to maintain a consistent water ratio in non-surfactant emulsion fuels using the Real-Time Non-Surfactant Emulsion Fuel Supply System (RTES). Thus, it becomes more reasonable to establish an …

  19. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Preliminary Studies of Acorn Syngas Application in Dual-Fuel Diesel Engines

    Acorns are a nut that can be found across Portugal, particularly in the Alentejo region where the raising and feeding of Iberian Pigs is most present. Despite this contribution, they’re often ignored by the general population and therefore go to …

    Nadezhda Silva Krop, Paulo Brito, Luís Calado
    Published in:
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023) (2024)
  20. 25-03-2024 | Betriebsstoffe | Fragen + Antworten | Article

    Das müssen Sie zur Diesel-Alternative HVO wissen

    Die Dieselkraftstoff-Alternative HVO, hergestellt aus Abfall- und Reststoffen, soll 90 % weniger CO 2 als fossiler Diesel verursachen. In Deutschland war der Verkauf von HVO als Reinkraftstoff lange verboten. Jetzt hat sich das geändert.

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