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72627 search results for:

Private Equity 

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  1. 05-04-2024 | Private Equity | Schwerpunkt | Article

    Private Equity liefert Mittelstand mehr als Kapital

    In den vergangenen Jahren ist das Interesse des Mittelstands an Private Equity gestiegen. Die Investoren bringen die Unternehmen nicht nur finanziell, sondern auch strategisch und operativ voran, zeigen Studien und Forschungsdaten. 

  2. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Private Equity Investment in Fintech

    Fintech has empowered PE, and PE has accelerated fintech development.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  3. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Technology Innovation and Private Equity

    Development and innovation of science and technology are a source of inexhaustible power for a country and nation to flourish.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  4. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Technology Applications in Private Equity Regulation

    China’s PE industry entered the initial development stage in the early 1990s by establishing several investment fund companies.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  5. 2023 | Book

    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China

    This book studies and discusses the current situation and development trend of technology application in the private equity industry of China. This book provides answers to the following questions that are critical concerns of the industry. For …

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Book Series:
    Contributions to Finance and Accounting
    Springer Nature Singapore
  6. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Technology Applications in Private Equity Compliance Management

    With the transformation and development of China’s economy and the multi-level capital market, PE investment has become increasingly prominent.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  7. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Private Equity in the Age of Fintech

    PE, an essential part of the multi-level capital market in China, is indispensable to enhancing financial support for the real economy in the high-quality development stage.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  8. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Technology Applications in Private Equity Anti-Money Laundering

    The securities industry plays a vital role in the global economy, with participants ranging from professional transnational financial conglomerates to small companies that provide stockbroking or financial advisory services.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  9. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    International Practice of Technology Applications in the Private Equity Industry

    The application of technology in the PE industry has become diversified and popularized.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  10. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Status and Development Trend of Blockchain Application in the Private Equity Industry

    As an essential part of the digital economy revolution, blockchain is rapidly developing and penetrating various fields of China’s economy as a new generation of information infrastructure.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  11. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Status and Development Trend of Artificial Intelligence Application in the Private Equity Industry

    The capital management demand in China is expanding, and the preference for equity assets has increased.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  12. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Status and Development Trend of Big Data Technology Application in the Private Equity Industry

    In recent years, countries have continued to deepen their big data strategies, including the United States, Europe, Korea, Japan, and Australia.

    Ruihui Xu, Dawei Zhao
    Published in:
    Digital Transformation of Private Equity in China (2023)
  13. Open Access 21-11-2023 | Online First

    Investing in Your Alumni: Endowments’ Investment Choices in Private Equity

    We investigate the role of alumni ties in university endowments’ decision to invest into private equity funds. Based on a sample of 1,590 commitments made by 189 U.S. endowments into 613 funds during the period of 1995 to 2017, we show that …

  14. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Open Permissioned Blockchain Solution for Private Equity Funding Using a Global, Cross-Cloud Network Blockchain Platform

    The capitalization table, commonly known as a cap table, is a comprehensive record of ownership and equity distribution within a company. It serves as a document, typically in the form of a spreadsheet or database table, that outlines all the …

    S. Rajarajeswari, K. N. Karthik, K. Divyasri, Anvith, Riddhi Singhal
    Published in:
    Power Engineering and Intelligent Systems (2024)
  15. Open Access 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Valuing Private Equity

    Private equity funds are set up to invest in private companies for a predefined multiyear period. Private equity companies, i.e. the companies that run private equity funds, come in several types, with different goals and methods. Private equity

    Dirk Schoenmaker, Willem Schramade
    Published in:
    Corporate Finance for Long-Term Value (2023)
  16. 16-06-2022 | OriginalPaper

    Sustainability and Private Equity Real Estate Returns

    This paper explores private equity real estate fund performance and voluntary environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures. Using data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), it examines the …

  17. 2023 | Book

    Private Equity in Germany

    Venture Capital for Digital Platform Start-ups

    Start-ups konkurrieren mit innovativen Produkten auf etablierten Märkten und wecken mit unter völlig neue Bedürfnisse. Allerdings stehen die Jungunternehmen oft vor vielen Herausforderungen - allen voran im Hinblick auf eine dauerhafte Kapitalisierung durch klassische Finanzierer. An deren Stelle treten häufig Private-Equity- und Venture-Capital-Investoren, die bereit sind, Risiken einzugehen, wenn sie Chancen sehen. Die Autoren beleuchten, auf welche Kriterien diese Geldgeber achten, wie sich Start-ups auf eine solche Finanzierungen vorbereiten und gehen auf Funktionsweisen und Schwachstellen des Marktes ein.

    Cordelia Friesendorf, Navid J. Mir Haschemi
    Book Series:
    Business Guides on the Go
    Springer Nature Switzerland
  18. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Private-Equity as Start-up Financing Source

    The purpose of this chapter is to provide a detailed analysis of the existing understanding, the current status quo, the volume of the total private equity (PE) investment in Germany, as well as the obstacles that need to be overcome to acquire …

    Cordelia Friesendorf, Navid J. Mir Haschemi
    Published in:
    Private Equity in Germany (2023)
  19. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Venture Capital as a Subset of Private Equity

    The purpose of this chapter is to explain the differences between private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC). We will begin by demonstrating the common characteristics of PE and VC, followed by identifying the various characteristics that equity

    Cordelia Friesendorf, Navid J. Mir Haschemi
    Published in:
    Private Equity in Germany (2023)
  20. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    The Imperative of Private Equity in Start-up Financing in Germany

    Private equity refers to the investment of equity capital in private companies. An investor in private equity invests a sum of money, which is referred to as her stake, in a private company with the intention and expectation of increasing the …

    Cordelia Friesendorf, Navid J. Mir Haschemi
    Published in:
    Private Equity in Germany (2023)

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