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International Journal of Quality Innovation

2015 - 2020
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Ausgabe 1/2020
Aktuelle Ausgabe

Über diese Zeitschrift

International Journal of Quality Innovation is the first journal to move beyond traditional approaches to quality management, serving as a unique outlet for research on quality innovation for customer value creation. The primary focus of the journal is on how new technological developments and dynamic market environments influence consumer quality values. Quality management has always been a major managerial concern of every organization; product quality used to be critical customer value necessary for competitive advantage. However, it has recently become a necessary condition for market entry but not a sufficient factor for market leadership. In today's competitive, network, and complex global market environment, product quality must be converged with service quality, providing new customer values, based on experiences. Reflecting and contributing to these trends, the Journal publishes theoretical and empirical research, success stories, case studies, and new conceptual pieces dealing with quality innovation. The journal welcomes innovative research on the impact of such new quality values as experience, participation, co-creation, recognition, sharing, sustainability and learning opportunities on organizational performance.

International Journal of Quality Innovation
Jahrgang 1/2015 - Jahrgang 6/2020
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