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2024 | Buch

Entrepreneurship, Technological Change and Circular Economy for a Green Transition

Research Contributions for a More Productive Environment

herausgegeben von: Conceição Rego, Maria Raquel Lucas, María Isabel Sánchez-Hernández, Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Adriana Backx Noronha

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

Buchreihe : Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics


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This book is a comprehensive and timely publication that aims to be an essential reference source, building on contemporary research in the fields of circular economy and green transition in relation to entrepreneurship and technological change. This book aims to address a range of approaches including, but not limited to, the conceptual, theoretical, and case studies related to the topics of the book. The topical focus is on how circular economy contributions, energy infrastructure, green transition, and digital transformation are contributing to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The expert contributions in the book particularly help us learn more about the answers to the current challenges of the green transition as well as how the necessary technological change will impact, mainly, the enterprises and the field of agriculture production and agribusiness.

The book is mainly intended to support an academic audience (academics, university teachers, researchers, and post-graduate students – both Master's and Doctorate levels). In addition, this book will be of benefit to institutional experts, developers, and researchers in the fields of Entrepreneurship and technological change in circular economy and green transition.


The challenges that societies face today show the need to evolve, among other challenges, to the green transition. The evolution of the linear economy, in which societies are still, mostly, towards a circular economy, where the 5 R’ predominate—Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle—it is fundamental. Alongside this evolution, the decarbonization of the predominant production model as well as the way of life that dominates the most developed societies is also essential. It is well known that this transition will not be immediate and will not be cost-free. Therefore, it is important to understand and know more about how to proceed in this transition paying attention to technological change and knowing the advantages and risks of this process. Only in this way is it possible to change in a sustainable way and seek to minimize the losses associated with this transition. For example, knowing the characteristics of businesses models based on circular economy and aimed at the green transition, as well as knowing the necessary technological changes in this domain or the training needs associated with technological change and the green transition, are essential.
Maria Raquel Lucas, María Isabel Sánchez-Hernández, Conceição Rego, Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Adriana Backx Noronha

Enterprises and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship, Circular Economy and New Business Models
In the new paths of sustainability and green transition, the circular economy is a central theme on the agendas of academics, policy-makers, and business leaders. Above all, a way to overcome the negative impacts of a linear economy on the environment and society, in general, is being sought. In this movement of initiation and technological acceleration, due to its ability to add value through the vision, creativity and innovation of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship stands out as a key concept for changes in society and for sustainable economic growth. The literature emphasizes that circular entrepreneurs can be agents of change in organizational structures and drivers of new business models and processes.
Based on a structured review of the literature on databases of reference, this work aims to contribute to advancing the debate on the meaning and impact of the circular economy on entrepreneurship and business models, presenting the results of the bibliographical research and a theoretical, conceptual framework for this area of investigation.
Rui Manuel Mansidão, André Bernardo Alves
Toward the Green Transition of Business Through the Circular Economy: Understanding the Role of Dynamic Capabilities
The green transition (GT) is becoming imperative for all economic actors in the business field. In this scenario, the circular economy (CE) is emerging as a new paradigm to address these challenges. However, approaching these novel business models requires that companies reconfigure their resources and organizational capabilities to enable the transition from a traditional linear model to a circular one. The dynamic capabilities (DCs) view provides an exceptional theoretical framework for examining this reality, offering mechanisms that facilitate companies to face these complex processes from the perspective of the research field of business organizations. This chapter aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature that connects the relationship and impact of DCs on adopting CE models to foster GT in companies. The scientific databases consulted were Web of Science and Scopus, from an initial number of 103 and 60 papers. Once the results were unified, 108 were finally selected for analysis. Bibliometrix tool was used for processing the information, providing results on annual production, and analysis of journals, authors, documents, keywords, etc. These findings will allow us to identify the principal research authors and topics in this area, analyze main conceptual, intellectual, and social structures, and detect future research opportunities.
Pedro Baena-Luna, Esther García-Río, Carmen M. Felipe-Llanos
The Path to a Circular Economy Through a Green and Digital Transition. The Paradigm Shift in Mexican Companies in the State of Hidalgo
This chapter addresses aspects related to the green and digital circular economy, which are important factors that must be considered nowadays. The objective of this research is to analyze how Mexican organizations in the State of Hidalgo perform the circular economy and digitization, taking into account sustainability features that they must comply with. This is a quantitative study, with a descriptive, correlational and explanatory research design and a systemic approach, the sample size consists of 545 micro and small companies from Hidalgo, the variables analyzed were ISO 26000 principles and features related to environmental management, and digital tools. This research main findings show that companies in the State of Hidalgo conduct activities that contribute to environmental care in a traditional way, such as: responsibility with clients without deceiving information, malpractice avoidance, regulation that promotes ethical behavior, a safe organizational environment, a safety impact of activities, a socially responsible behavior, pollution prevention and control production waste that can positively impact the environment, by recycling and being environmentally friendly. All these variables are carried out in a traditional manner, the results obtained with Likert scale of agreement; but the stages of the circular economy were not considered, other findings are that companies do not seek for business digitalization, preferring traditional ways to realize the activities, the items on digital technologies displays that companies don’t know about technological alternatives therefore they don’t use them, this last statement shows how imperative is for companies to have a transition to a green and digital circular economy and the importance of this paradigm shift in organizations.
Liliana de Jesús Gordillo Benavente, Claudia Vega Hernández
How Does the Circular Economy Address the Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from the Brazilian Legal Amazon
The study main objective is to verify whether the circular business model helps in the implementation of SDGs in the Amazon and which objectives foster the circular economy. The Legal Amazon company adapted the models of (Yadav et al. (Journal of Cleaner Production 277: 124186, 2020); Rossi et al. (Journal of Cleaner Production 247: 119137, 2020), Da Vermunt et al. (Journal of Cleaner Production 222: 891–902, 2019)) to analyse the strategies to be used in implementing the CE principles, and the UN model to comply with the SDGs by generating more sustainable operations. The results of the analysis allow us to analyse that the analysed company has EC practices that contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals, highlighting mainly SDG 2—Zero hunger, SDG15—Terrestrial life and SDG17—Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development, for which they are found some practices by the interviewee. In addition, it should be noted that the limitations of the study are related to the single case approach, making it impossible to extrapolate the findings to the Rondônia scenario. On the other hand, the results of this exploratory research will allow for the formulation of a more detailed conceptual model and some hypotheses that will be tested in a future quantitative study. In this study the sample will include not only companies located in the state of Rondônia, but also in other legal states of the Amazon region.
Luciana Aparecida Barbieri da Rosa, Marcos Cohen, Waleska Yone Yamakawa Zavatti Campos, Maria Carolina Martins Rodrigues, Maria Jose de Sousa, Lucas Veiga Avila
Lean and Green: 3Ms Meets 5Rs Creating Environmental Value for the Planet
This chapter proposes operationalizing the Circular Economy in companies through the Lean Thinking management model. For this purpose, the authors demonstrate the conceptual correspondences between the principles of Circular Economy and Lean Thinking based on a common principle of reducing waste and minimizing the use of resources. It also discusses the development of sustainable products whose lean LPPD technique can leverage with the questioning of each design stage from what is valuable for the customer and the planet. Finally, the theoretical discussion is exemplified through a clothing company that applies the concept of lean thinking in its product development and operations with promising results for a green transition.
Alvair Silveira Torres Junior, Ronaldo Akiyoshi Nagai

Agriculture and Agribusiness

An Overview of Circular Business Models in Agribusiness
Circular economy is changing the way businesses operate and is pushing companies and organizations from a linear to a closed-loop business approach. Circular business models serve as tools to help managers in this transition. The agribusiness sector has a significant environmental impact but a considerable potential for the implementation of circular practices. However, circular business models have been little discussed in the sector, limiting their application. Thus, this chapter aims to deepen the concept of circular business models in agribusiness to raise awareness and facilitate their adoption. A systematic literature review was conducted, following the PRISMA protocol and using the Bibliometrix software and the app Biblioshiny. As a result, 60 documents were included in the review and bibliometric and content analysed. The interest in the topic is growing, especially in Europe and nations with high agricultural industrialization. The themes emerged and discussed in literature include the challenges, key aspects, and recommendations for circular business models’ adoption, the concerns with their sustainability, and their performance measurement. Limitations to current knowledge and future research directions are identified. This chapter provides a valuable contribution to the understanding of circular business models in agribusiness and highlights important aspects useful for entrepreneurs and policymakers.
Barbara Lamolinara, Mário Sérgio Teixeira, Cristina Galamba Marreiros, Vítor Hugo dos Santos Ferreira, Amaury Pérez-Martínez
The Circular Economy as a Creator of Value in Agribusiness 4.0: Proposals for a Life
The circular economy has come with momentum to settle in the countries as a new model of economic growth. Thus, sustainable development and the objectives set forth by the United Nations for its achievement and expansion highlight the concern and preoccupation of society for these issues. For this reason, this chapter deals with four specific aspects of the agricultural industry sector, which aim to improve our lives and the sustainability of our planet. These aspects refer to the use of biomass residues and their contribution to the food sector, the generation of biofuel and electricity from biogas for agricultural use, as well as the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation. Finally, a decrease in cotton production and the use of regenerated cotton by the textile industry will be considered. Based on the theoretical framework, four specific proposals are established to achieve the aggregate global growth requirement posed by Sustainable Development Goal 8, compared to the reduction in the use of CO2, together with the reduction in the use of resources (Goals 6, 7, 9, 12 and 15). These proposals cover aspects such as the reuse of organic and biodegradable wastes, the reuse of water through different irrigation methods and its application based on its components, and the reuse of cotton from existing clothing. All of this provides economic agents, administration, companies, and households with opportunities for reflection and implementation of a more sustainable economic and social model.
Andrea Mara Pimenta-Alonso, Elena González-Rodrigo
The Social Dimension of Agribusiness and How It Has Been Measured
The social aspect of sustainability is commonly acknowledged as the least researched among the three fundamental pillars. Specifically in the context of agribusiness, the social themes cover a wide range of topics spanning from basic needs to cultural heritage. For these reasons, we decided to focus our attention on how researchers have been capturing the social aspects of agriculture using sustainability assessment indicators over the past two decades.
Based on a previously extensive literature review and on a comprehensive bibliometric study about agricultural social indicators, between 1999 and 2022, this work aims to classify those indicators according to their thematic scope, grouping them in distinct clusters, and subsequently sort the most frequently referenced indicators in each of the defined clusters. Given the data patterns found during our investigation, we also looked for changes in the distribution of social indicators per thematic cluster in two different periods. This research brought attention to the unique characteristics and developments within each identified cluster, revealing a clear increase in concerns related to personal and societal welfare. These concerns particularly revolve around satisfaction with work and active involvement in civic activities (i.e., civic participation). Furthermore, by classifying each indicator as either traditional or emerging, we have been able to confirm this trend toward more principles-driven indicators. The identification of the top five indicators used in each cluster further highlights the multidimensional character of the assessments of social sustainability.
Both traditional and emerging social themes are important in assessing the impact of agribusiness demands on workers, communities, and the environment to inform the development of strategies for promoting sustainable and socially responsible practices in the agroindustry. Thus, social indicators covering both components should be dynamically monitored over time, ideally supporting and promoting stakeholder engagement in the development of sustainability evaluation tools. Given the specificities of each societal context where agribusiness takes place, creating assessment models for generic applications may fail to grasp the complexity of social variables. For this reason, we aim to present in the future a set of guidelines and key indicators to implement and integrate into each contextualized model, identifying specificities of communities, workers, and consumers in a particular agribusiness context.
José Massuça, Ana Marta-Costa, Maria Raquel Lucas
Urban Green Infrastructure: Circular Socioeconomy with Nature Based Solutions
In a broader sense, we can consider the circular socioeconomy, which considers “material and immaterial” products and the corresponding services. In this context, to traditional material products, we could incorporate human health and well-being, which can also be recovered or recycled.
As a general introduction, we describe urban strategies with environment and pollution dimensions, recycling, and insulated actions. Business and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) have to be coordinated with urban health.
Research on social perception of green urban infrastructure was developed with a national online survey of the main actors: academics, entrepreneurs, functionaries, and others. The more significant opinions are analyzed. Case studies on energy and urban agriculture in Spain are complemented by some projects in Madrid.
Special attention is given to the project gas recycling harm waste into urban benefits. The main objective are to identify and promote activities for social welfare throughout nature based solution, where circular economy throughout gas recycling is a useful instrument.
Finally, the results include health impact, evaluation, and errors in socioeconomic circular actions.
Julián Briz, Isabel de Felipe, Teresa Briz
Alentejo Wines and Olive Oil Sustainability Programs: Background of Absorptive Capacity in the Development of Circular Economy Business Models
The Alentejo sustainability programs for wine and olive oil seek different topics, such as the sectors’ integration in a philosophy of social, environmental, and economic well-being at both local and regional level; the business cooperation throughout the identification and comparison of the producers’ performance; the identification of improvements in production practices; and the statement of the certification scheme supported on sustainable production benchmark and the consequent recognition of the quality of Alentejo wines and olive oils for their sustainability performance. However, most companies find it difficult to integrate circular economy (CE) strategies and practices into their business models. To fill this gap, this chapter introduces an exploratory study investigating the backgrounds or antecedents of absorptive capacity in successful CE business cases, using a qualitative multiple-case study, field observation, and focus groups.
Centering on the wine and olive oil sectors, 12 companies were interviewed, six for each program, using NVivo 12 for the analysis. The data were classified into first-order and second-order categories and then sorted into absorptive capacity dimensions. The results and their discussion highlight the relevant contribution of absorptive capacities to the CE in WASP and OASP firms.
Ibrahim Prazeres, Vlademir Silva, Pedro Henriques, Isabel Joaquina Ramos, Conceição Rego, Maria Raquel Lucas
Circular Economy Business Model—Let’s Wine about it: An Exploratory Research Applied to Portuguese Wineries
Sustainability requires businesses to adopt a more holistic approach, rethinking how products are designed, manufactured, and distributed and finding ways to reduce waste and increase resource efficiency.
The wine sector can benefit significantly from adopting circular business models as they offer opportunities to reduce waste, increase resource efficiency, and create value from by-products.
This chapter aims to discuss the following questions: Are companies in the wine sector adopting circular economy practices? Are the managers engaged in a circular economy strategy? What are companies’ main difficulties when switching to circular economy business models?
This exploratory study is a case study. The qualitative methodology applied semi-structured interviews in two wineries and one wine association.
The results suggested a scarcity in the adoption of circular economy models. Generally, the managers are not engaged in sustaining the transition to a circular approach on the assumption of maximum efficiency. Finally, the study also reveals the perception by critical informants of wineries that higher education institutions can make an essential contribution to the transition from a linear to a circular economy. Therefore, the creation of idea-sharing networks with them can be a catalyst for new developments.
Sandrina B. Moreira, Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Ricardo Travassos
Towards Circular Economy: Barriers, Drivers, Challenges and Potentialities in Angola’s Agribusiness
Agribusiness has a huge impact on the three dimensions of sustainability and it also plays a very important role in humanity’s livelihood by providing food safety and food security, fibre, fuel and animal feed, as well as being a sector that moves the economy and the agricultural policies in the world.
In Angola, the contribution of agribusiness to GDP is still very low, but increasing from 0.03% in 2019 to 6.3% in 2021. Angola has the potential to become one of the leading countries in agribusiness in the region, due to the availability and quality of resources (human and natural) and edaphoclimatic conditions (weather, water and soils). In order to meet its internal food needs, Angola needs a modern agribusiness sector. Such implies incorporating innovation and new production technologies and other technological changes and/or technological adequacy. This chapter aims to analyse the situation of agribusiness in the Angolan provinces of Cuanza Sul, Huambo, Bié and Luanda, namely, the barriers, potentialities and challenges to its development from a perspective of circular economy and sustainability. The findings reveal that Angolan agribusiness has a weak performance, but that it has the potential to grow, in terms of size, quantity, quality and level of sustainability. The poor performance is fundamentally due to the use of inappropriate agronomic practices, including the scarce use of improved technologies and the low technical capacity of the players along the entire value chain.
Antonino Kamutali, Pedro Henriques, Maria Raquel Lucas, Ana Marta-Costa
Reputational Leadership, Family Business and Sustainability in the Creation of Economic and Social Value. The Case of the Company “Agroparque Esperanza”
This chapter proposes a research study based on a case methodology examining the Agroparque Esperanza company, an example of entrepreneurship in the circular economy (CE), within the Mexican scope.
Currently, society demands companies to be involved in the creation of a fairer and more sustainable economy, and hence the rise of the so-called circular economy. Agroparque Esperanza is a clear example of sustainable entrepreneurship, both because it is a family business with a particular leadership style and because it is an agricultural company that focuses its activity on producing and processing apples under a sustainable context.
This is an innovative case of value creation due to the regional environment in which the business project is developed and the business model it follows. Its business model stands out because of its contribution to the creation of economic value and social value, thanks to promoting a family business, a particular leadership style under a sustainable context.
On the one hand, Agroparque Esperanza creates economic value thanks to its different business model as a circular Economy company. It is a family business where some members are in charge of the management of the company and with a particular entrepreneurship “gene” that helps to innovate in a sustainable context. This situation leads to the company to use reputation leadership and reputation family as a strategic factor in the business model.
On the other hand, Agroparque Esperanza is a company that is supported by the creation of social value. Agroparque Esperanza provides solutions through local actions in a particular Mexican region. Thus, it solves some of the important challenges facing sustainable companies, and it provides a business model that is replicable and viable as a contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.
Juan Luis Tato Jiménez, Ramsés Cabrera Gala, Maria Victoria Carrillo Durán
Entrepreneurship, Technological Change and Circular Economy for a Green Transition
herausgegeben von
Conceição Rego
Maria Raquel Lucas
María Isabel Sánchez-Hernández
Luísa Cagica Carvalho
Adriana Backx Noronha
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