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2021 | Buch

Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach


Über dieses Buch

This book integrates the foundations of quantum computing with a hands-on coding approach to this emerging field; it is the first to bring these elements together in an updated manner. This work is suitable for both academic coursework and corporate technical training.

The second edition includes extensive updates and revisions, both to textual content and to the code. Sections have been added on quantum machine learning, quantum error correction, Dirac notation and more. This new edition benefits from the input of the many faculty, students, corporate engineering teams, and independent readers who have used the first edition.

This volume comprises three books under one cover: Part I outlines the necessary foundations of quantum computing and quantum circuits. Part II walks through the canon of quantum computing algorithms and provides code on a range of quantum computing methods in current use. Part III covers the mathematical toolkit required to master quantum computing. Additional resources include a table of operators and circuit elements and a companion GitHub site providing code and updates.

Jack D. Hidary is a research scientist in quantum computing and in AI at Alphabet X, formerly Google X.




1. Superposition, Entanglement and Reversibility
Every classical (that is, non-quantum) computer can be described by quantum mechanics since quantum mechanics is the basis of the physical universe.
Jack D. Hidary
2. A Brief History of Quantum Computing
That is, the whole computation process is described by a pure state evolving under the action of a given Hamiltonian.
Jack D. Hidary
3. Qubits, Operators and Measurement
The more general term for such a unit is qudit; qubits and qutrits are specific instances of qudits which can be computing units of any number of states.
Jack D. Hidary
4. Complexity Theory
We can then analyze several different algorithms to solve this problem: quicksort, merge sort, insertion sort and others.
Jack D. Hidary

Hardware and Applications

5. Building a Quantum Computer
We can think of the QC portion of a computation as a subroutine in a much larger computation, much of which may take place in the classical regime.
Jack D. Hidary
6. Development Libraries for Quantum Computer Programming
In the upcoming chapters, we will go into further detail with examples of algorithm implementations using these libraries.
Jack D. Hidary
7. Teleportation, Superdense Coding and Bell’s Inequality
We can use entangled states (known as EPR pairs or Bell states) to perform a range of tasks that cannot be accomplished using classical means.
Jack D. Hidary
8. The Canon: Code Walkthroughs
Several of the algorithms considered in this chapter are known as “black box” or “query model” quantum algorithms.
Jack D. Hidary
9. Quantum Computing Methods
This broadens the application space significantly for this variational method.
Jack D. Hidary
10. Applications and Quantum Supremacy
As the quantum computing landscape evolves, a number of QC applications are becoming clear..
Jack D. Hidary


11. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Computing I
Confident readers may feel that they need not read this chapter and might instead flip through it for formulas, equations and the like.
Jack D. Hidary
12. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Computing II
Equipped with the definition of a basis, we are prepared to define the matrix associated to a linear transformation between two vector spaces.
Jack D. Hidary
13. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Computing III
We recall some of the basic facts about logarithms here.
Jack D. Hidary
14. Dirac Notation
A vector in linear algebra is typically represented as a column vector or as the row vector which is the conjugate transpose of the column vector.
Jack D. Hidary
15. Table of Quantum Operators and Core Circuits
Table of Quantum Operators and Core Circuits.
Jack D. Hidary
Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach
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Jack D. Hidary
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