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Networked Vehicle 

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  1. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Physics-Based Output-Feedback Consensus-Formation Control of Networked Autonomous Vehicles

    We describe a control method for multi-agent vehicles, to make them adopt a formation around a non-pre-specified point on the plane, and with common but non-pre-imposed orientation. The problem may be considered as part of a more complex maneuver …

    verfasst von:
    Antonio Loría, Emmanuel Nuño, Elena Panteley, Esteban Restrepo
    Erschienen in:
    Hybrid and Networked Dynamical Systems (2024)
  2. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Intrusion Detection Method for Networked Vehicles Based on Data-Enhanced DBN

    At present, cyber attacks on vehicle network have are proliferating, one of the most significant difficulties in the current detection methods is that the malicious flows are small and discrete in the whole link. In view of the above issues, this …

    verfasst von:
    Yali Duan, Jianming Cui, Yungang Jia, Ming Liu
    Erschienen in:
    Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (2024)
  3. 2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Networked Active Suspension Control of In-Wheel Motor Driven Electric Vehicles Under Aperiodic Sampling and Transmission Delays

    This paper addresses the networked $$H_\infty $$ H ∞ control problem for active suspension systems equipped with dynamic dampers. First, a networked active suspension control model of a 6-DOF half in-wheel motor driven electric vehicle is proposed …

    verfasst von:
    Iftikhar Ahmad, Xiaohua Ge, Qing-Long Han, Zhenwei Cao
    Erschienen in:
    Recent Advances in Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Systems (2021)
  4. 2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Internet of Things

    Im siebten Kapitel werden die Grundlagen, Anwendungsbereiche und das Nutzungsverhalten des Internet of Things beschrieben und mithilfe des IT-Infrastrukturmodells erläutert. Die IoT-Interaktionsstruktur wird für den Bereich der Automobilwirtschaft …

    verfasst von:
    Bernd W. Wirtz
    Erschienen in:
    Digital Business (2024)
  5. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Enabling Transportation Networks with Automated Vehicles: From Individual Vehicle Motion Control to Networked Fleet Management

    The technologies and models linking individual vehicle control and network operations, despite their critical role in determining whether automated vehicle (AV) technologies can eventually evolve to massive real-world deployments, seem to be an …

    verfasst von:
    Lily Elefteriadou, Blaine Leonard, Lili Du, Wei Ma, Jun Liu, Kuilin Zhang, Jiaqi Ma, Ziqi Song, Xiaopeng Li, Sevgi Erdogan
    Erschienen in:
    Road Vehicle Automation 7 (2020)
  6. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Artificial Intelligence for Friction Brakes: Applications and Potentials

    While new generative methods (e.g., ChatGPT) of artificial intelligence (AI) have been accessible and well-known to the general public since the beginning of 2023, data-based or data-centric engineering is still largely in its infancy. This …

    verfasst von:
    Merten Stender
    Erschienen in:
    XL. Internationales μ-Symposium 2023 Bremsen-Fachtagung (2023)
  7. 2017 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Evolution or revolution of the user experience through networked vehicles

    The advancing networking and digitisation of automobiles provides unprecedented potential for new functionalities in the automotive industry, the consumer industry and for the driver. This advancement in vehicle functions offers, in addition to …

    verfasst von:
    Heiko Herchet, Johannes Barckmann
    Erschienen in:
    Fahrerassistenzsysteme 2017 (2017)
  8. 2019 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Geltende EU-Richtlinien

    Anmerkung: Die EMV-Richtlinie wird in Folge vorwiegend als „EMC-RL“ benannt.

    verfasst von:
    Helmut Kuntz, Stefan Rost
    Erschienen in:
    EU-Konformität für elektrotechnische und elektronische Produkte (2019)
  9. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Drivetrain System Integration on Test Benches at Mercedes-Benz AG

    Passenger car drivetrain technology is transforming into electric drivetrains. Simultaneously, vehicles are transforming into highly complex overall systems with interacting subsystems. Both transformations lead to a rethinking in the organization …

    verfasst von:
    Carsten Karthaus, Johannes Schweers, Mathis Wolf, Harald Behrendt
    Erschienen in:
    23. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium (2023)
  10. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    High Reliability Imperative for Autonomous Networked Vehicles

    Autonomous vehicles need high reliability for consumer acceptance. A high-reliability system is capable of relatively error-free operations over extended durations making consistently good decisions that result in highly reliable and safe …

    verfasst von:
    Allen Adler, Azad M. Madni
    Erschienen in:
    Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research (2018)
  11. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    System of Systems Based Approach for the Development of Autonomous Ride-Pooling Vehicles

    The development of autonomous vehicles has been accelerating in the last years. Especially vehicles designed for ride-pooling and ride-hailing are tested in pilot projects and are getting more mature. These autonomous driving Mobility-as-a-Service …

    verfasst von:
    Thomas Ertener, Christian Raulf, Daniel Nikolai Schmidt
    Erschienen in:
    23. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium (2023)
  12. 2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Combining Behavior-Based and Contract-Based Control Architectures for Behavior Optimization of Networked Autonomous Vehicles in Unstructured Environments

    The driving behavior of networked autonomous vehicles can be optimized with collaborative knowledge by sharing safety-relevant runtime data and reliably integrating it into the individual vehicle platforms. Since the highly dynamic application …

    verfasst von:
    Sebastian Müller, Patrick Wolf, Karsten Berns, Peter Liggesmeyer
    Erschienen in:
    Commercial Vehicle Technology 2018 (2018)
  13. 01.01.2016 | OriginalPaper

    Safety-Critical Challenges in the Networked Vehicle

    New business models are emerging based on the permanent wireless access to the vehicle.

  14. 2011 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Dynamic Navigation System Design for Networked Electric Vehicles

    Data saturation of satellite navigation systems (already a problem with location based services) will become particularly acute in the emerging area of networked electric vehicles (NEV). Sophisticated energy management and navigation software may sol

    verfasst von:
    Frazer McKimm, Manuela Galli, Veronica Cimolin
    Erschienen in:
    Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice (2011)
  15. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Induktive Taxiladung für den öffentlichen Raum – Eine Zusammenfassung

    Dieses Kapitel bietet eine Zusammenfassung der einzelnen Kapitel dieses Buches zum Projekt Talako, in dem eine induktive Taxilösung für den öffentlichen Raum entwickelt, in der Stadt Köln implementiert und getestet wurde.

    verfasst von:
    Heike Proff, Markus Clemens, Pedro J. Marrón, Benedikt Schmülling
    Erschienen in:
    Induktive Taxiladung für den öffentlichen Raum (2023)
  16. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Individualization of Public Transport – Integration of Technical and Social Dimensions of Sustainable Mobility

    In order to follow the 1.5 degree path of the Paris Climate Agreement, drastic greenhouse gas reduction measures are needed in the transport sector. The potential of public transport and new mobility services to reduce transport-related greenhouse …

    verfasst von:
    Moritz Ostermann, Jonathan Behm, Thorsten Marten, Thomas Tröster, Johannes Weyer, Kay Cepera, Fabian Adelt
    Erschienen in:
    Towards the New Normal in Mobility (2023)
  17. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Public Transport Prioritization in Consideration of Congestions

    For public transport prioritization, public transport vehicles have so far usually registered at fixed registration points (e.g., by detectors in the track for trams) in front of traffic light systems (TLS). As a reaction to the registration, a …

    verfasst von:
    Eduard Hepner, Josua Duensing, Chao Zhao, Robert Hoyer
    Erschienen in:
    Towards the New Normal in Mobility (2023)
  18. 01.05.2015 | OriginalPaper

    Safety and Security for Networked Vehicles

    A vehicle equipped with modern electronics, for example, infotainment and telematics systems has a variety of software-controlled interfaces such as mobile connectivity, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, via which it is possible to gain remote access

  19. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Induktives Taxi-Ladekonzept als Baustein einer Emissionsreduzierung in Innenstädten

    Die zentrale Bedeutung der Mobilitätswende im Rahmen der Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ist unbestritten. Der Dreiklang „Vermeiden, Verlagern und Verbessern“ ist seit Jahrzehnten Planungsparadigma und dennoch ist der status quo nicht ausreichend, um von …

    verfasst von:
    Gregor Waluga
    Erschienen in:
    Induktive Taxiladung für den öffentlichen Raum (2023)
  20. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Make-or-Buy Strategies of Established Car Manufacturers to Counter the Technological Transformation towards Self-Driving Cars

    Accompanied with the emergence of new technologies in the field of autonomous driving (AD), the automotive industry is facing a significant transformation. Alongside the changes in hardware, which are characterized in particular by an increase in …

    verfasst von:
    Laura Bischoff, Michael Stephan
    Erschienen in:
    Towards the New Normal in Mobility (2023)

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