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1328 search results for:

MacOS + iOS 

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  1. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    macOS Management Settings and Reinstallation Process

    In this chapter, we delve into the various aspects of macOS functionality, with a special focus on customizing the operating system to suit individual user preferences. We begin by exploring how users can tailor macOS settings at the operating …

    Sagar Rastogi, Jasdeep Singh
    Published in:
    Exploring macOS (2023)
  2. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Troubleshooting in macOS and Ventura OS Overview

    In this chapter, we will discuss specific Mac issues and how to troubleshoot those issues. Basically, we will cover startup, network, and printer issues along with detailed troubleshooting steps. We will also discuss macOS Ventura operating system …

    Sagar Rastogi, Jasdeep Singh
    Published in:
    Exploring macOS (2023)
  3. 15-02-2016 | MacOS + iOS | Topic page


  4. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Forensic Analysis of the iOS Apple Pay Mobile Payment System

    Mobile payment systems enable users to complete financial transactions with their smartphones, including contactless payments at retail stores. Because the financial transactions of individuals are indicators of their lifestyles, they are …

    Trevor Nicholson, Darren Hayes, Nhien-An Le-Khac
    Published in:
    Advances in Digital Forensics XIX (2023)
  5. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Securing Network Address in PingER and IOS Application Development

    The main objective of this research is to study the Internet network performance across many countries including India in last few years. Comparisons are drawn between the various conditions that existed in the nation at that period and how the …

    Palak Gupta, Purushottam Sharma
    Published in:
    Advances in Engineering Design (2023)
  6. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Understanding iOS Programming

    Programming involves writing commands for a computer to follow. In iOS programming, the computer is either an iPhone or an iPad. To create apps for an iPhone or iPad, you need to learn three different skills: …

    Wallace Wang
    Published in:
    Beginning iPhone Development with SwiftUI (2023)
  7. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Forensic Analysis of Webex on the iOS Platform

    An increasing number of companies have adopted online telecommunication software for their office software pack, and Webex was one of the popular choices. With the surging usage of online telecommunication software, online meeting exploitation and …

    Jiaxuan Zhou, Umit Karabiyik
    Published in:
    Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (2023)
  8. 18-05-2023 | Online First

    iOS mobile malware analysis: a state-of-the-art

    In earlier years, most malware attacks were against Android smartphones. Unfortunately, for the past few years, the trend has shifted towards attacks against the Apple iOS smartphone. Consequently, an in-depth analysis of the malware and iOS

  9. 2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    iOS Provisioning

    Imaging. We used to say that we “imaged” computers. An image was a perfect representation of a device that was ready to go into the hands of a user. The images were often monolithic or later packages that created an end result that still appeared …

    Charles Edge, Rich Trouton
    Published in:
    Apple Device Management (2023)
  10. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    macOS Server on AWS

    Traditionally, iOS application developers must purchase hardware macOS workstations or servers to develop iOS applications because these apps can only be built, tested, and deployed on an iOS operating system. This limits developer’s ability to …

    Abdullahi Olaoye
    Published in:
    Beginning DevOps on AWS for iOS Development (2022)
  11. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Setting Up Development Tools on macOS Instance

    To start development on an Amazon EC2 Mac instance, just like any other Mac build server, iOS build tools such as Xcode must be installed. There are other open-source and third-party automation tools such as Jenkins, Fastlane, etc., which …

    Abdullahi Olaoye
    Published in:
    Beginning DevOps on AWS for iOS Development (2022)
  12. 2021 | Book

    macOS Daemonology

    Communicate with Daemons, Agents, and Helpers Through XPC

    Take advantage of the full power of Swift through XPC. Development for macOS differs from iOS and web-based development because of multicomponent applications. Besides the usual GUI-based applications and app extensions, there are a wide range of …

    Volodymyr Vashurkin
  13. 2020 | Book

    Apple macOS and iOS System Administration

    Integrating and Supporting iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks

    Effectively manage Apple devices anywhere from a handful of Macs at one location to thousands of iPhones across many locations. This book is a comprehensive guide for supporting Mac and iOS devices in organizations of all sizes. You'll learn how to …

    Drew Smith
  14. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Introduction to iOS Forensics

    This chapter will provide you with an overview of iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads, as well as an overview of the operating systems and file systems they run. There are many forensic tools that are used in forensic science; these tools are …

    Mohammed Moreb
    Published in:
    Practical Forensic Analysis of Artifacts on iOS and Android Devices (2022)
  15. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Forensic Analysis of Telegram Messenger on iOS and Android Smartphones Case Study

    Mobile digital forensics science is developing on a daily basis, and every day there is a new tool introduced and a new challenge as well. This chapter is to get hands-on with all available forensics tools, in order to identify the benefits of …

    Mohammed Moreb
    Published in:
    Practical Forensic Analysis of Artifacts on iOS and Android Devices (2022)
  16. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Basics of iOS Application Development

    To develop iOS apps, Apple provides several tools and resources. iOS apps can be developed in native programming languages such as Swift or Objective-C and other cross-platform languages.

    Abdullahi Olaoye
    Published in:
    Beginning DevOps on AWS for iOS Development (2022)
  17. 2019 | Book

    Implementing iOS and macOS Documents with the Files App

    Managing Files and Ensuring Compatibility

    Implementing iOS and macOS Documents with the Files App provides the combination of skills developers need to build these types of apps—working with files and constructing documents.

    Jesse Feiler
  18. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Continuous Delivery Pipelines for iOS App Development

    A Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery (CICD) pipeline is an automated definition of the steps that occur in software development right from the source and version control system to delivering the new software version to users and customers.

    Abdullahi Olaoye
    Published in:
    Beginning DevOps on AWS for iOS Development (2022)
  19. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

    Understanding iOS Programming

    All programming involves the same task of writing commands for a computer to follow. To learn iOS programming, you need to learn three different skills: …

    Wally Wang
    Published in:
    Beginning iPhone Development with SwiftUI (2022)
  20. 2021 | Book

    Interprocess Communication with macOS

    Apple IPC Methods

    Build highly modular software in macOS that interacts deeply and intuitively with other programs. This book explores all techniques available for Inter-process communications (IPC) from high level macOS layers to deep kernel options while applying …

    Hem Dutt

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